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           PROPERTY FROM THE PEONY COLLECTION        新石器時代紅山文化   玉豬龍
           DRAGON’ CARVING                           展覽:
           NEOLITHIC PERIOD, HONGSHAN CULTURE        Angus Forsyth 及 Brian McElney,《Jades from China》
           the beast with a bulbous body, depicted with large bulging
           eyes, an upturned snout and pointed ears, further carved
           with a diamond-shaped cross-hatching between the ears, its   豬龍,翹鼻長耳,雙目突出,身腹內捲似龍,面綴豬
           neck drilled with a hole                  鼻而得名。玉豬龍,出土於新石器時代墓葬遺址,原
           7cm, 2¾ in.                               或作為胸飾用途,參考 E. Childs-Johnson 專文探討紅山
                                                     文化出土玉豬龍,〈Jades of the Hongshan Culture〉,
                                                     《Ars Asiatiques》,卷XLVI,1991年12月,頁82-95。
           Angus Forsyth and Brian McElney, Jades from China, The
           Museum of East Asian Art, Bath, 1994, cat. no. 8.
           HK$ 400,000-600,000
           US$ 51,000-76,500                         關善明珍藏一例,展出於《玲瓏玉雕》,香港大學
           Modelled with a long upturned snout, tall ears and bulging
           eyes, this piece appears to depict a zhulong, a modern   玉器全集》,卷1,福州,1993年,圖版30,同錄一
           term used to describe zoomorphic discs with coiled bodies   例,出自瀋陽遼寧省博物館,圖版27。另一例出土於
           and pig-like snouts. Made in the Neolithic period, these   內蒙古自治區敖漢旗,刊於古方,《中國出土玉器全
           carvings have been recovered at various tomb sites and   集》,北京,2005年,卷2,圖版24;還有一例,曾
           were probably used as chest ornaments. For a discussion   為巴爾(A.W. Bahr)、賽克勒(Arthur M. Sackler)遞
           on zhulong see E. Childs-Johnson, “Jades of the Hongshan   藏,1994年12月1日售於紐約佳士得,編號73。
           Culture”, Arts Asiatiques, XLVI, December 1991, pp 82-95.
           The rounded and finally finished features of the present
           piece makes it a particularly rare depiction of zhulong.
           Compare a zoomorphic carving fashioned in the round, in
           the Tianjin Museum, illustrated in Tianjin shi yishu bowuguan
           cang yu [Jades in the Tianjin City Museum], Hong Kong,
           1993, pl. 22; and another in the collection of Simon Kwan,
           included in the exhibition Exquisite Jade Carving, University
           Museum and Art Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong
           Kong, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 45. See also a jade zhulong
           with similarly well-defined features, in the Tianjin Museum,
           illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi quanji [The complete collection
           of Chinese jade], vol. 1, Fuzhou, 1993, pl. 30, together
           with one in the Liaoning Provincial Museum, Shenyang, pl.
           27; another unearthed at Ganfanyingzi, Aohanqi, in Inner
           Mongolia Autonomous Region, illustrated in Gu Fang,
           The Complete Collection of Unearthed Jades in China,
           Beijing, 2005, vol. 2, pl. 24; and a further example, from
           the collections of A.W. Bahr and Arthur M. Sackler, sold at
           Christie’s New York, 1st December 1994, lot 73.

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