Page 24 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 24


           PROPERTY FROM AN OLD ASIAN FAMILY COLLECTION  北宋至金   定窰白釉模印牡丹蓮花大盤
           NORTHERN SONG – JIN DYNASTY               定窰瓷器裝飾技法主要有劃花、刻花及印花,此盤以
           with shallow rounded sides supported on a tapered foot,   蘑菇形模子,將紋飾印在坯體上,再以竹絲修胎。模
           moulded on the interior with a key-fret bordered medallion   子圖案装饰精美绝伦,工序簡單,可大量複製,以供
           enclosing leafy lotus sprays, surrounded by additional lotus   市場所求。
           blooms wreathed in dense foliage, covered overall save for
           the rim with a transparent ivory-tinged glaze  模印牡丹蓮花的定窰瓷器可見於世界各大博物館及私
           30 cm, 11¾ in.
           HK$ 300,000-400,000                       藏定窰系白瓷特展》,台北,2014年,編號II-159及
           US$ 38,300-51,000                         II-160。北京故宮博物院藏一例,載於《定瓷雅集:
           This piece belongs to a distinct group of large dishes from   院,北京,2012年,圖版84。大維德爵士藏一例,足
           the Dingyao kilns in Hebei province, with elaborate designs   底落「殿」款,現藏大英博物館,見《Catalogue of
           made using a mushroom-shaped mould. Dishes of this   Ting Yao and Related White Wares》,倫敦,1964年,
           type were pressed onto the mould before the edges were   圖版VIII,編號164。另一例藏美國克里夫蘭藝術博物
           trimmed down, a technique that allowed for the manufacture   館,載於 Jan Wirgin,《Sung Ceramic Designs》,斯
           of large quantities of finely decorated wares.
           Dishes moulded with this design are held in important   一件定窰盤,錄於《Relics Salvaged from the Seabed off
           museums and private collections worldwide; two dishes of   Sinan》,首爾,1985年,卷1,圖版122。
           this design, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, were
           included in the Museum’s exhibition Decorated Porcelains
           of Dingzhou. White Ding Wares from the Collection of the
           National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014, cat. nos II-159 and
           II-160; a dish in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated
           in Selection of Ding Ware, Beijing, 2012, pl. 84; another
           inscribed with the character dian (‘palace’) on the foot, from
           the Sir Percival David collection, now in the British Museum,
           London, is illustrated in Hin-Cheung Lovell, Illustrated
           Catalogue of Ting Yao and Related White Wares, London,
           1964, pl. VIII, no. 164; and a further dish in the Cleveland
           Museum of Art, is illustrated in Jan Wirgin, Sung Ceramic
           Designs, Stockholm, 1970, pl. 78b. See also a dish of this
           type recovered from a shipwreck that sunk off the coast of
           Korea in 1323, illustrated in Relics Salvaged from the Seabed
           off Sinan, Seoul, 1985, vol. 1, pl. 122.

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