Page 64 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 64


           A RARE DINGYAO OCTAGONAL VASE             北宋   定窰八方四繫瓶
           of octagonal section with tapered rounded sides and a short   定窰八方瓶,肩綴四繫環,形制特殊罕見,存世僅知
           neck, set with four small loop handles, applied with a rich   寥寥類同作例;北京故宮博物院藏一瓶,寸略小,
           cream-white glaze with characteristic teardrops  刊於《中國古瓷窰大系.中國定窰》,北京,2012
           13.6 cm, 5¼ in.
           HK$ 200,000-300,000                       年10月12日,編號84,及1976年4月5日,編號11;卡
           US$ 25,500-38,300                         爾肯普舊藏一例,方角繫環,錄於 Bo Gyllensvärd,
                                                     《Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe Collection》,斯
           Vases of this charming octagonal form, with four small   德哥爾摩,1964年,圖版437;第四例施柿釉,為玫
           handles at the shoulder, are an unusual product of the   茵堂珍藏,出版於康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,卷
           Dingyao kilns in Henan province and only a few related   3,倫敦,2006年,圖版1439。
           examples are known; a slightly smaller vase in the Palace
           Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in Selection of Ding Ware,   小形八方瓶盛行於宋代,諸多窰口均有燒造。參考鎮
           Beijing, 2012, pl. 37; another was sold twice at Christie’s
           London, 12th October 1970, lot 84, and 5th April 1976, lot   江博物館藏越窰八方蓋瓶,載於《中國陶瓷全集.
           11; a third with angular lugs handles, from the Carl Kempe   宋》,卷8, 上海,1999年,圖版52;另一件相似越
           collection, is illustrated in Bo Gyllensvärd, Chinese Ceramics   窰作例,2016年6月2/3日售於香港蘇富比,編號601
           in the Carl Kempe Collection, Stockholm, 1964, pl. 437; and   。玫茵堂藏一件耀州窰八方瓶,各面刻綴卷葉紋,
           a fourth example covered overall in a brown glaze, in the   前述出處,圖版1489,同錄一件青白窰八方瓶,圖
           Meiyintang collection, is published in Regina Krahl, Chinese   版1590。
           Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol. III (II), London,
           2006, pl. 1439.
           Small octagonal vases were popular in the Song dynasty and
           were produced at kilns throughout China; see for example
           a Yue vase and cover in the Zhenjiang Museum, illustrated
           in Complete Collection of Chinese Ceramics. Song, vol. 8,
           Shanghai, 1999, pl. 52; another sold in these rooms, 2nd/3rd
           June 2016, lot 601; and a Yaozhou example, carved with
           a leafy scroll on each facet, in the Meiyintang collection,
           illustrated op. cit., pl. 1489, together with a qingbai vase of
           this form, pl. 1590.

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