Page 121 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 121

Together, Raymond Hung and Mimi Wong amassed one of  洪建生與王家琪所庋藏的中國古代傢具,曾是亞洲遠近馳名
               the most comprehensive and celebrated collections of Chinese  且品種最為齊全的傢具收藏。二人因傢具的木材肌理及線條
               furniture  in  Asia. The  collecting  couple  were  drawn  to  the   弧度之美而被深深吸引。一九八零年代中期正是收藏中國傢
               elegant lines and beautiful woods found in Classical Chinese   具的最佳時機。中國境內流出不少重中之重且前所未見的器
               furniture.  The mid-1980s was an exciting time to be collecting
               Chinese  furniture.  Important  and  informative  examples   件,不僅彌補學術界之不足,在鑒藏界亦產生相對的影響力。
               emerged in China fuelling leaps in scholarship and influencing   在如此另人振奮的氛圍下,洪建生開始打入市場,著手學習
               connoisseurship. Into this exciting atmosphere, Raymond Hung  並收藏一些重要珍罕的中國傢具。
               entered the market, which enabled him to study and collect
               some of the rarest and most important examples.   這批傢俱的收藏體系,實由紐約知名古董商安思遠為其組織
                                                                 而成。安思遠於 1971 年所著的《中國傢具:明及清初硬木實
               The collection was shaped by preeminent New York dealer,
               Robert  H.  Ellsworth,  who  with  the  publication  of  his  1971   例》啟發不少傢具界新一輩的藏家學者。而這本值得精讀之
               Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples from the Ming and   作,在重新探討中國古代傢具之餘,更成為傢具收藏的入門
               Early Ch’ing Dynasty inspired a new generation of scholars  指標。在安思遠的指導下,洪氏除了尋找黃花梨及紫檀傢具
               and  collectors  to  the  field.  This  seminal  book  re-shaped  的重要品種外,同時也擴充其自身漆器及文房用具的收藏。
               the discussion around Chinese furniture and remains one   對於安思遠,洪氏先後三顧草廬,因多年拜訪其紐約及康涅
               the defining publications dedicated to the subject. Under   狄格的邸宅而建立起歷久彌堅的友誼。
               Ellsworth’s  guidance, Raymond  Hung sought  significant
               examples in  huanghuali and  zitan, but also expanded the   安思遠於 1996 年出版《洪氏所藏木器百圖》上冊,並於 2005
               collection to include important lacquer examples and
               refined scholar’s objects. Their relationship developed into an   年出版下冊。1998 年,洪氏珍藏的部份精品更在舊金山亞洲
               everlasting friendship with frequent visits to Mr. Ellsworth’s    藝術博物館中展出,並載於是次展覽圖錄─《風格的實質:
               New York apartment and estate in Connecticut.     明末清初中國傢俱》當中。
               In 1996, Robert Ellsworth published  Chinese Furniture: One   作為敏求精舍逾二十五載之成員,洪氏現仍擔任敏球精舍的
               Hundred Examples from the Mimi and Raymond Hung Collection,   執行委員。在其珍襲密斂之際,洪氏更有機會得以從安思遠、
               volume  I  and  followed  this  publication  with  volume  II  in
               2005. In 1998, highlights from the collection were exhibited   黑洪祿、及陳勝記陳鑒泉等多位傢具古玩行中巨擘身上賞古
               at the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco and published in the   尋珍,並對其淵博之學識,豐富之經驗,表以感恩載德之情。
               accompanying catalogue,  Essence of Style: Chinese Furniture of
               the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties.

               Mr. Raymond Hung currently serves as the Executive
               Committee Director of the Min Chiu Society, an organization
               he has been a member of for over 25 years. During his
               collecting journey, Mr. Hung has had the opportunity to learn
               from and acquire works from the most distinguished dealers of
               Chinese furniture, including Robert H. Ellsworth, Hei Hunglu
               and Albert Chan of Chan Shing Kee. He is indebted for their
               attention, experience, and scholarship.

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