Page 194 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 194
The jar and cover are applied inside and out with an unctuous 配有荷葉蓋。該造型延續至明代,如南京博物院所藏一件洪武白釉荷葉
white glaze with a slight bluish tinge. The base of the jar and inner 大罐(高 40.5 公分),見《甦る南遷文物:中国南京博物院藏宝展》,
rim of the cover are left unglazed, exposing the fine body fired to 東京,1998 年,頁 30-31,圖版 4 號。自永樂朝開始,荷葉蓋轉變為折
an orange colour with brown specks. 沿寶珠鈕較簡潔的造型,如永樂地層出土的一件龍紋青花大罐(高 31.5
13 À/”ÿ in. (33.5 cm.) high
公分),《景德鎮出土元明官窯瓷器》,北京,1999 年,頁 106,圖版
HK$500,000-700,000 US$65,000-90,000 48 號。本罐的造型比例及尺寸與北京故宮的一件宣德青花花果紋蓋罐
(高 34.3 公分)非常相似,蓋鈕形狀也如出一轍,見故宮博物院藏文物
Jars of this form with a compressed globular body and short straight
neck gained popularity during the Yuan dynasty, when they appeared 珍品大系《青花釉裏紅(上)》,香港,2000 年,頁 114,圖版 108 號
on celadon wares from the Longquan kilns, as well as on blue and (圖一)。另可比較宣德地層出土兩件大型蓋罐,一施白釉(高 61.9 公
white porcelain from the Jingdezhen kilns, and were often accompanied 分),一飾青花龍紋(高 60.5 公分),見《明代宣德御窯瓷器:景德鎮
by covers in the shape of a large lotus leaf. The design continued into 御窯遺址出土與故宮博物院藏傳世瓷器對比》, 2015 年,圖版 65(圖二)
the early Ming period, as can be seen on a white-glazed jar (40.5 cm. 及 93,該二例的下腹較窄,與永樂罐較接近,寶珠鈕也較大。
high) from the Hongwu period in the Nanjng Museum, illustrated in
Yomigaeru Nansen bunbutsu: Chūgoku Nankin Hakubutsuin shozō ten,
Tokyo, 1998, pp. 30-31, no. 4. During the Yongle period, the covers
adopted a simpler design with a wide and flat rim under a bud-form
finial, such as the blue and white jar painted with dragons (31.5 cm.
high) excavated from the Yongle stratum, illustrated in Yuan’s and
Ming’s Imperial Porcelains Unearthed from Jingdezhen, Beijing, 1999, p.
106, no.48. The current jar is especially similar in size and proportion
to a Xuande-marked blue and white jar with flower and fruits (34.3
cm. high) in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete
collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Blue and White Porcelain
with Underglaze Red (I), Hong Kong, 2000, p. 114, no. 108 (fig. 1).
Compare to two other jars and covers excavated from the Xuande
stratum, one in white glaze, the other in blue and white painted with a
long sinuous dragon, illustrated in Imperial Porcelains from the Reign
of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty: A Comparison of Porcelains from the
Imperial Kiln Site at Jingdezhen and the Imperial Collection of the Palace
Museum, Beijing, 2015, nos. 65 (fig. 2) and 93, both have a narrower
lower body like the Yongle example and a more pronounced finial.
fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing fig. 2 Collection of The Jingdezhen Institute of Ceramic Archaeology
圖一 北京故宮博物院藏品 圖二 景德鎮市陶瓷考古研究所藏品