Page 52 - Sothebys Buddhist Metalwork From The Collection of Tuyet Nguyet And Stephen Markbreiter May 26 2021
P. 52

            OF A CICADA
            SONG - MING DYNASTY
            7.5 cm
            HK$ 20,000-30,000
            US$ 2,600-3,900

            宋至明   青玉蟬



 128                                                                   130
                                                                       A YELLOW AND RUSSET JADE ARCHAISTIC BI
 A MOTTLED CELADON JADE CONG   新石器時代   青玉琮                             DISC
 NEOLITHIC PERIOD                                                      SONG - MING DYNASTY
 6.6 cm  來源:                                                           7 cm
 PROVENANCE  香港蘇富比1984年11月19日,編號32                                     HK$ 20,000-30,000
 Collection of Dr Ip Yee.                                              US$ 2,600-3,900
 Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 19th November 1984, lot 32.
 《Beauty and Tranquility: The Eli Lilly Collection of
 HK$ 60,000-80,000                                                     宋至明   黃玉仿古璧
 Chinese Art》,印第安納波利斯,1983年,圖版1。相
 US$ 7,800-10,300
 Compare the cong in the Indianapolis Museum of Art
 illustrated in the Beauty and Tranquility: The Eli Lilly   收藏一較淺例,載於羅森,《Ancient China: Art and
 Collection of Chinese Art, Indianapolis, 1983, pl. 1, together   Archaeology》,倫敦,1980年,圖版24。羅森教授指
 with one recovered from a tomb in Guangdong dated by   出,玉琮起源於新石器時代,應為中國東南部指定地
 carbon-14 tests to the mid-third millennium BC, fig. B; also   區、權貴階級特有的重要祭祀禮器。
 a shallower example in the British Museum illustrated by
 Jessica Rawson, Ancient China, pl. 24, who discusses this   另比一例,出自美國收藏家温索浦收藏,現藏於哈
 form, which originated in Neolithic times and ‘seems to   佛大學藝術館,藏品編號1943.50.506,圖見於 Max
 have been important within a restricted, fairly well-defined   Loehr,《Ancient Chinese Jades from the Grenville L.
 area, being associated particularly with southeast China’.   Winthrop Collection in the Fogg Art Museum》,哈佛大
 One from the Winthrop Collection in the Fogg Art Museum   130
 is illustrated by Max Loehr,  Ancient Chinese Jade from the   學,劍橋,麻省,1975年,圖版235。再比一雙層玉
 Grenville L. Winthrop Collection in the Fogg Art Museum,   琮例,出自尤莫弗普勒斯收藏,現藏於大英博物館,
 Cambridge, 1975, cat. no. 235; and one with two tiers of   圖載於Soame Jenyns,《Chinese Archaic Jades in the
 masks by Soame Jenyns, Chinese Archaic Jades in the   British Museum》,倫敦,1951年,圖版IX下方。
 British Museum, London, 1951, pl. IX bottom from the
 Eumorfopoulos Collection.
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