Page 209 - Sotheby's Sir Quo Wei Lei Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 209

White jade boulders skilfully worked into incense burners of   The form of the present piece is based on an archaic bronze
                             this exceptional size and even luminous tone are extremely   vessel known as ding. Compare a white jade tripod incense
                             rare. The quality of the stone has been accentuated through   burner of similar archaistic form, legs decorated with animal
                             the exquisite carving and lustrous finish of the surface. By   masks and finial carved in the form of a coiled dragon, from
                             restricting the intricate carving to the handles and finial, which   the Qing court collection and still in Beijing, published in The
                             have been skilfully modelled in the round, the carver draws   Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:
                             attention to the quality of the stone. Jade boulders of this   Jadeware III, Hong Kong, 1995, no. 60. Smaller incense
                             large size originated in the jade-rich territories of Khotan and   burners of related form, but carved with two lions on the
                             Yarkand, areas opened only after the Qing army’s conquest of   cover, include two sold in our New York rooms, 18th March
                             the north-western territories in the 18th century. The Qianlong   2008, lot 32, and 27th/28th April 1967, lot 297; one sold in our
                             Emperor himself frequently praised the qualities of the jades   London rooms, 18th November 1998, lot 926; and another,
                             from Khotan in poems incised on specific jade vessels.   but with one Buddhist lion over the cover and two extra ringed
                             Continuing in the Song dynasty tradition of carving jade   lion mask handles, from the Su Lin An collection sold in these
                             vessels in the form of archaic bronzes, the craftsmen of the   rooms, 31st October 1995, lot 331. Compare also a jadeite
                             Qing adapted classical forms and combined them with their   incense burner of this form from the Jingguantang collection,
                             own innovative decorative elements.            sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November 1996, lot 610.
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