Page 31 - Sotheby's Sir Quo Wei Lei Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 31
Guan, the ‘official’ ware of the Southern Song court, is perhaps 南宋官窰,乃為供御而製,享負盛名,可謂上品重器,寥若
the most admired and desirable of all types of Chinese 晨星。雍正深喜官窰,曾取宮中珍藏,送至景德鎮,命御窰
ceramics. The Yongzheng Emperor was a great admirer of 匠師按此燒造。本尊其形精潤,釉色柔美,釉式開片,為景
guan wares and is known to have sent original pieces from 德鎮官窰仿前朝古器之精品逸作。有一類例,可與此成對,
his collection to the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen as models 北京故宮博物院藏,載於《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖錄》,香
to copy. The present exquisite vase is a fine example of such 港,1989年,圖版78。另一雍正例器形相仿,器體飾浮雕,
reproduction where the complexity of its seemingly simple
form, the rare beauty of its glaze colour and the fascinating 施青釉,前述出處,圖版105。亦見一茶葉末釉例,台北故
pattern of its crackle have been masterly achieved by the 宮博物院藏,載於《故宮清瓷圖錄.康熙窰.雍正窰》,東
Jingdezhen potter. A very similar vase, possibly the pair 京,1980年,圖版152。另一例為英國鐵路養老基金收藏,
to this piece, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated 售於香港蘇富比1989年5月16日,編號54。
in Kangxi. Yongzheng. Qianlong. Qing Porcelain from the
Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1989, pl. 78. Another 本尊襲青銅制,可參見一青銅尊,出土於湖北宜昌前坪村一
Yongzheng vase of the same form and animal-head handles 西漢墓,載於《考古學報》,1976年,第二期,頁124,圖
but with the body decorated in relief and covered in a celadon 12。
glaze is also included ibid., pl. 105. Compare also a closely
related teadust glazed hu, in the National Palace Museum, 此類制式,續盛於乾隆一朝,惟釉色不盡相同。參考一仿汝
Taipei, included in the Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty 釉例,尺寸略小,售於香港蘇富比1997年4月29日,編號
Porcelain. K’ang-hsi Ware and Yung-cheng Ware, Tokyo, 578。另有一爐鈞釉例,尺寸略大,售於香港佳士得2009年
1980, pl. 152; and another from the British Rail Pension Fund 5月27日,編號1895。再見一茶葉末釉例,售於香港蘇富比
sold in these rooms, 16th May 1989, lot 54.
The form of this vessel is derived from a bronze prototype.
See a zun excavated from the Western Han tomb dated before
179 BC at Qianping, Yichang, Hubei province, published in
Kaogu xuebao/Acta Archaeological Sinica, 1976, no. 2, p. 124,
fig. 12.
Vases of this form continued to be made during the Qianlong
reign in a variety of glazes; for example see a vase of similar
size covered in a Ru-type glaze sold in these rooms, 29th April
1997, lot 578; a ‘robin’s egg’ glaze example of slightly larger
proportions, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27th May 2009, lot
1895; and a larger teadust glazed version sold in these rooms,
10th April 2006, lot 1523.