Page 49 - Sotheby's Sir Quo Wei Lei Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 49
This rare bowl represents the most exquisite type 此盌堪稱永樂御窰製瓷至臻典範,器形雋秀蘊
of ware produced in the imperial kilns during the 藉,青花曼妙動人,突顯純樸的中國美學。
Yongle reign. It is distinctive for its elegant shape
and harmonious floral decoration which has been 器身外壁巧飾月季連枝,花瓣旋卷而發,柔瓣散
designed for a pure Chinese aesthetic. 舒,幽芳怒綻。本品捨常見纏枝蓮或牡丹紋,而
Characterised by spiralled petals to the centre 取月季花為題。綜觀歷代瓷器紋飾,月季紋實為
of each bloom, the floral scrolls portrayed on 稀有,偶見於少數永樂朝青花器,參考紐約蘇富
the present bowl can be identified as roses 比2018年3月20日一青花花果紋菱口盤例(編號
as opposed to more customary peonies or 108),盤心同飾纏枝月季紋。
lotuses. Roses seldom feature as a decorative
pattern in the repertoire of Chinese ceramics, 觀其月季紋,線條多變,花瓣、枝葉鉤勒瀟灑
but do appear occasionally on imperial Yongle 自然。相類纏枝花卉盌例,紋飾較為刻板,
porcelains including bowls and dishes of various 足部環綴蓮瓣紋,與本品大相徑庭,見阿德
sizes. See a barbed dish decorated with similar 比爾聖殿舊藏一例,現存德黑蘭伊朗國家博物
scrolling roses to the interior, sold in our New 館,錄於 John Alexander Pope,《Chinese
York rooms, 20th March 2018, lot 108.
Porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine》,華盛
The depiction of freely meandering rose scrolls 頓,1956年,圖版48,同載於三杉隆敏,《中
is also unusual, as bowls of similar type are 近東之中國瓷器》,卷3,香港,1981年,編號
more commonly decorated with formal floral A60。此盌月季花刻畫靈活自然,環繞圈足而
scrolls, with a lappet band around the foot, as
illustrated by an example from the Ardebil Shrine 生,或含蕾、或盛放,枝葉繁茂,隨風飄搖,
and now in the National Museum of Iran, Tehran, 嬌妍盡展。相類近例存世者鳳毛麟角。同屬 H.
published in John Alexander Pope, Chinese Fairtlough Esq. 舊藏,與本品成對者,1968年
Porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine, Washington, 於倫敦蘇富比同場拍賣出售,編號166,後於倫
1956, pl. 48, and again in Takatoshi Misugi, 敦蘇富比1973年11月27日再次易手,編號134
Chinese Porcelain Collections of the Near East, 。John A. Pope 伉儷亦藏有一例經修,月季
Topkapi and Ardebil, vol. 3, Hong Kong, 1981, 紋較顯疏落,曾展於《Ming Blue-and-White:
cat. no. A60. Only a few extant examples, with An Exhibition of Blue-decorated porcelain of
similar naturalistic, liberally curving sprays of the Ming dynasty》,芝加哥藝術博物館,芝加
roses growing from above the foot, are known. 哥,1949-1950年,編號42。
Its companion bowl, also from the collection of H.
Fairtlough, Esq., was sold in our London rooms
in the 1968 sale as the preceding lot. That bowl
later reappeared in auction again in our London
rooms, 27th November 1973, lot 134. Compare
also a restored bowl, with sparser arrangement
of roses, from the collection of Mr and Mrs John
A. Pope and included in Ming Blue-and-White:
An Exhibition of Blue-decorated porcelain of
the Ming dynasty, The Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, 1949-1950, cat. no. 42.