Page 61 - Sotheby's Sir Quo Wei Lei Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 61
Both the design and colour palette of the 本盤紋飾及配色仿自明初永樂、宣德年間景德鎮
dish are rooted in the Yongle and Xuande 製御瓷。蓮花、蓮葉及水藻以飄帶綁束,始見
period prototypes that were developed at the 於永樂一朝,見玫茵堂舊藏例,載於康蕊君,《
Jingdezhen kilns in the early Ming dynasty. 玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,卷2,倫敦,1994年,圖版
The lotus bouquet, with its beribboned cluster 665,售於香港蘇富比2012年4月4日,編號37
of lotus blooms, leaves and water weeds, is 。此紋樣於雍正時期復現,北京故宮博物院藏兩
borrowed from a popular motif that was first
employed in the Yongle period and an example 例,錄於耿寶昌編,《故宮博物院明初青花瓷》
from the Meiyintang collection, illustrated ,卷2,北京,2002年,圖版159及199。
in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the
Meiyintang Collection, vol. 2, London, 1994, pl. 本盤口沿內外巧飾一圈淡綠卷草,足見雍正年間
665, was sold in these rooms, 4th April 2012, lot 瓷匠慕古求新的心思。本品以鈷青繪飾、黃釉為
37. This design was revived in the Yongzheng 地,講求匠人手巧、謹控窰溫方成,本品堪稱為
period and two such examples are in the Palace 黃地青花典範。此盤署以黃地青花年款,目前未
Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Geng Baochang, 見有他例。仇焱之舊藏一近例,白釉底署年款,
ed., Gugong bowuyuan cang Ming chu qinghua 售於香港蘇富比1981年5月19日,編號583。另
ci [Early Ming blue-and-white porcelain in the 見一類例,釉色不及本品明艷,售於倫敦蘇富比
Palace Museum], vol. 2, Beijing, 2002, pls 195 2011年5月11日,編號213。
and 199.
In addition to the emulation of the past, this dish 單是雍正年間,已有不同大小的黃地青花一把蓮
is also notable for the level of artistic innovation 紋盤。玫茵堂有相近之例,尺寸屬最大的一類,
in the Yongzheng period and this is reflected 售於香港蘇富比2011年4月7日,編號74。另
in the pale green bands bordering the inner 一例尺寸較小,圖見 John Ayers,《Chinese
and outer rims of the dish. The cobalt-blue Ceramics. The Koger Collection》,倫
decoration and the application of the yellow 敦,1985年,圖版122。
enamel undoubtedly required the craftsmen’s
meticulous precision, however, a masterful
control of the kilns was also of vital importance
in the production of this dish, which is arguably
an exemplar model of its type. No related
example, however, with a yellow-ground reign
mark appears to be recorded. The companion
piece to the current dish, also from the collection
of Edward T. Chow, bears a white-ground reign
mark, and was sold in these rooms, 19th May
1981, lot 583. See also a related example, albeit
fired to a less brilliant tone, sold in our London
rooms, 11th May 2011, lot 213.
In the Yongzheng reign alone, this design was
also produced in various dimensions. Compare
one of the largest size, sold in these rooms
7th April 2011, lot 74, from the Meiyintang
collection; and a smaller one, illustrated in John
Ayers, Chinese Ceramics. The Koger Collection,
London, 1985, pl. 122.