Page 85 - Sotheby's Sir Quo Wei Lei Collection Oct. 3, 2018
P. 85
This superbly potted rare Qianlong copper-red vase is a close 乾隆帝崇仰漢唐文化,亦好仿古。上溯商周,下至早明,金
copy of an equally rare underglaze-blue moonflask from the 銅瓷玉,無不包羅。當中明初青花瓷器更有不少成為仿作對
Yongle period. In its decoration and composition, it closely 象。現器應是依永樂青花原型,圖飾和布局頗忠於原器,然
follows its prototype, although rendered in a smaller size with 雙耳和壺足角度有異,體形也略小。永樂器啓思自中東金屬
the shape of the handles and the foot modified. The Yongle 壺器,六角星形幾何及花卉紋飾也和回教圖紋有密切關係,
prototype adapted its shape and decoration from metal flasks 然存例極為珍稀,出現拍場僅見三例。最近期者為英國琵金
of the Middle East, with their multi-facetted, six-pointed star
patterns related to Islamic decorative motifs. Examples of 頓收藏於香港蘇富比2016年4月6日,編號17之售出作例。
such Yongle blue and white flasks are extremely rare, and only
three have appeared at auction, the most recent being one 與現拍品相近,藏香港長青館之例曾先後展於敏求精舍《中
from the Pilkington collection, sold at these rooms, 6th April 國陶瓷雅集》,香港藝術館,香港,1980年,編號118,及
2016, lot 17. 大維德中國藝術基金會《Elegant Form and Harmonious
A similar flask from the collection of C.P. Lin was included 瓦鮑氏收藏,載於 John Ayers,《The Baur Collection,
in the Min Chiu Society exhibition An Anthology of Chinese
Ceramics, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1980, cat. no. 118, Geneva, Chinese Ceramics》,卷4,倫敦,1974年,編號
and again in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art A535。拍賣會曾售出數例,其一為香港蘇富比1999年11月1
exhibition Elegant Form and Harmonious Decoration, London, 日,編號370。
1992, cat. no. 171. Another from the Baur collection is
illustrated in John Ayers, The Baur Collection, Geneva, Chinese 也有相同圖飾之釉裏紅扁壺,在釉裏紅紋飾上加繪胭脂
Ceramics, vol. IV, London, 1974, no. A535. Examples at 紅彩,殊不多見,一例見先後屬 Robert C. Bruce 及加
auction include one sold in these rooms, 1st November 1999, 納爵士收藏,曾載於 Soame Jenyns,《Later Chinese
lot 370. Porcelain》,倫敦,1951年,圖版LXXXVI,圖1b,並於香
A moonflask of the same design, but with an unusual 港蘇富比1979年11月28日售出,編號223。
combination of copper-red emphasised by puce enamel, from
the collections of Robert C. Bruce and Sir Harry Garner, is
illustrated in Soame Jenyns, Later Chinese Porcelain, London,
1951, pl. LXXXVI, fig. 1b, and later sold in these rooms, 28th
November 1979, lot 223.