Page 26 - Christie's Hong Kong Imperial Amphora May 31, 2017
P. 26

Maruja Baldwin

PROVENANCE                                                                  來源
                                                                            Maruja Baldwin(1920-1997)珍藏
Collection of Maruja Baldwin (1920-1997)                                    紐約佳士得,1999年3月22日,拍品331號
Sold at Christie’s New York, 22 March 1999, lot 331                         加州私人珍藏,1999-2004年
A California private collection, 1999-2004                                  香港佳士得,2004年11月1日,拍品872號
Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 November 2004, lot 872                      香港莊紹綏珍藏
The Alan Chuang Collection, Hong Kong

LITERATURE                                                                  著錄
Christie’s 20 Years in Hong Kong 1986-2006: Chinese Ceramics and Works of   2006年,頁170
Art Highlights, Hong Kong, 2006, p. 170                                     《莊紹綏收藏中國瓷器》,香港,2009年,圖版70號
The Alan Chuang Collection of Chinese Porcelain, Hong Kong, 2009, pl. 70    《佳士得亞洲三十週年》,佳士得香港,2016年,頁132
Thirty Years in Asia 1986-2016, Christie’s Hong Kong, 2016, p. 132

This magnificent and extremely rare vase was once in the collection of      此瓶曾為美國加州名流、商人及慈善家Maruja Baldwin(1920-1997)收藏。
Maruja Baldwin (1920-1997), a California businesswoman, heiress and         Maruja的丈夫Baldwin M. Baldwin是加州地產大亨E. J.(Lucky)Baldwin (1828-
philanthropist. Her husband Baldwin M. Baldwin (d. 1970) was a leading      1909)的孫兒,其家族是最早在加州發展的地產商及財團之一,南加州多個地標
Southern California art collector and international yachtsman whose         均是以此家族定名,如Baldwin Hills 山脈及Baldwin Park城等。
corporation developed the Baldwin Hills Village in Los Angeles. He was
also the grandson of E. J. (Lucky) Baldwin (1828-1909), who was among
the earliest and most prominent property developers and businessmen in
California. A number of places in Southern California are named after him
including the Baldwin Hills mountain range and the City of Baldwin Park in
Los Angeles County.
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