Page 60 - In His Majesty's Palm Excuisite Playthings April 5 17 HK Sothebys
P. 60
Remarkable for their fine and detailed painting on a small 本器繪畫精緻細膩,於如此細小空間,繪人物、景物,生
scale, the present pair is probably unique, with no other 動傳神。兩器畫意、人物對稱,殊為難得。
comparable examples known to exist.
These holders have been cleverly created to simulate painted 器、銅器之上,多見於琺瑯彩器。然銅胎畫琺瑯器多在開
enamel wares as indicated by the gilding on the bands, rims 光中飾西洋人物,本品在精巧的器體上通精繪洋風人物獻
and handles. The scene of foreigners is also more commonly 寶圖,尤如袖珍畫卷,展現眼前。主體紋飾雖具西風,上
found on painted enamels, which were in turn inspired by 部分則繪仙鶴、錦雞、鴛鴦、飛鳥,保持了中國傳統吉祥
European watercolour paintings. However while these copper- 紋飾,中西融匯,互相輝映,趣意盎然。
bodied wares often portrayed the figural design in cartouches,
the present scenes extend around the whole holders as though 傳世品中,未見相同例子載錄,應為孤品。
painted on a miniature handscroll. Additionally, the foreign
scene provides an attractive contrast with the traditional bird
and phoenix scene depicted above.
58 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比