Page 111 - Christies Chinese Paintings Sale 3765
P. 111


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RAN IN-TING (LAN YINDING,                     RAN IN-TING (LAN YINDING,                   RAN IN-TING (LAN YINDING,
1903-1976)                                    1903-1976)                                  1903-1976)
                                              LANDSCAPE AFTER RAIN                        PAGODA ON MENAM RIVER
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color
on paper                                      Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color   Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color
Signed in English and Chinese, with one seal  on paper                                    on paper
of the artist                                 Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one  Inscribed and signed in English and Chinese,
Dated ninth month, 1951                       seal of the artist                          with one seal of the artist
15 º x 19 in. (38.9 x 48.6 cm.)               Dated midsummer, dingyou year (1957)        Dated the seventh month, 1959
                                              13 x 21 in. (32.8 x 53.7 cm.)               18 Ω x 25 Ω in. (47.2 x 65.2 cm.)
                                              $8,000-16,000                               $15,000-25,000
                                              PROVENANCE:                                 PROVENANCE:
Acquired directly from the artist.
                                              Acquired directly from the artist.          Acquired directly from the artist.
藍蔭鼎 日月潭風景 設色紙本 鏡框
一九五一年作                                        藍蔭鼎 水鄉新雨後 設色紙本                              藍蔭鼎 湄南河 設色紙本 鏡片
款識:蔭鼎。RAN IN-TING. 1951. 9.                   一九五七年                                       一九五九年作
鈐印:鼎                                          題識:水鄉新雨後。飘影映斜暉,草綠                           題識:蔭鼎。RAN IN-TING. FORMOSA.
                                              山光碧,浣衣人未歸。丁酉(1957年)                         MENAM RIVER (THAILAND). 7.1959.
來源:直接得自畫家本人。                                  盛夏。蔭鼎。                                      鈐印:鼎
                                                                                          來源:直接得自畫家本人。         107
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