Page 126 - Christies Chinese Paintings Sale 3765
P. 126

FROM THE FAMILY OF PROFESSOR AILEEN WEI                            Professor Aileen Wei (born Huang Anli, 1912-1995) was born in Beijing and
                                                                   had a successful career as an educator, diplomat, and translator. She received a
500                                                                B.A. from Yenching University in 1932 and at the outset of her career served
                                                                   as a diplomatic offcial in London. After emigrating to the United States, she
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)                                           earned an M.A. from the University of Chicago in 1943. She worked at Yale
LOTUS                                                              University as a language instructor and then went on to co-found the Chinese
                                                                   Language Program at Seton Hall University in 1959, where she remained until
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper                           1978. Professor Wei also served as language consultant for the U.S. Army and
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist                 State Department. In 1972 she and Professor Wang Fangyu (Fred Wang, 1913-
Dated frst day of the frst month, renzi year (1972)                1997) hosted a visit and art demonstration at Seton Hall by artist Zhang Daqian,
25 æ x 53 º in. (65.7 x 135 cm.)                                   who painted this for her at the time.


Painted for Professor Aileen Wei by the artist, 1972, New Jersey.

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