Page 149 - Christies Chinese Paintings Sale 3765
P. 149

Handling and Collection

HANDLING AND COLLECTION                                                ADMINISTRATION AND HANDLING CHARGES

All	lots	will	be	handled	free	of	charge	for	35	days	from	the	auction	  Failure	to	collect	your	property	within	35	calendar	days	of	the	
date	at	Christie’s	Rockefeller	Center	or	Redstone	handling	facility.	  auction	date	from	any	Christie’s	location,	will	result	in	handling	
Operation	hours	for	collection	from	either	location	are	from	          and	administration	charges	plus	any	applicable	sales	taxes.
9.30	am	to	5.00	pm,	Monday-Friday.	(Lots	may	not	be	collected	
during	the	day	of	their	move	to	Christie’s	Redstone	in	Long	Island	    Lots	will	not	be	released	until	all	outstanding	charges	due	to	
City.)	Please	consult	the	Lot	Collection	Notice	for	collection	        Christie’s	are	paid	in	full.	Please	contact	Christie’s	Client	Service	
information.	This	sheet	is	available	from	the	Bidder	Registration	     Center	on	+1	212	636	2000.
staff,	Purchaser	Payments	or	the	Packing	Desk	and	will	be	sent	
with	your	invoice.

Charges	                                                               All	Property

Administration	(per	lot,	due	on	Day	36)	                               $150.00
Handling	(per	lot/day,	beginning	Day	36)	                              $12.00

Property	can	be	transferred	to	Christie’s	Fine	Art	Storage	Services	(CFASS)	New	York		
at	any	time	for	environmentally	controlled	long	term	storage,	per	client	request.		
CFASS	is	a	separate	subsidiary	of	Christie’s	and	clients	enjoy	complete	confidentiality.	
Contact	CFASS	New	York	for	details:	Tel:	+	1	212	974	4570,


Christie’s Rockefeller Center                                                        Christie’s Redstone
20	Rockefeller	Plaza,	New	York	10020                                                 Post-Sale
Tel:	+1	212	636	2000                                                                 32-23	48th	Avenue                                                          Long	Island	City,	NY	11101	
Main	Entrance	on	49th	Street                                                         Tel:	+1	212	974	4500
Receiving/Shipping	Entrance		                                              
on	48th	Street                                                                       Main	Entrance	on	48th	Avenue	
Hours: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm                                                             Receiving/Shipping	Entrance		
Monday-Friday except Public Holidays                                                 on	48th	Avenue
                                                                                     Hours: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm
                                                                                     Monday-Friday except Public Holidays

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