Page 57 - Christie's July 8th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chiense Paintings and Caligraphy
P. 57

            ZHA SHIBIAO (1615-1698)
            Landscape after Yuan Masters
            Hanging scroll, ink on satin
            186 x 47 cm. (73 º x 18 Ω in.)
            Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist
            Dated nineteenth day, summer, jiaxu year (1694)
            Dr. K S Lo Collection.
            Teisuke Toda and Hiromitsu Ogawa ed., Comprehensive Illustrated
            Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series Vol. 2 Asian and European
            Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 15 November 1998,
            pp. II-162 and II-399, pl. S35-004.
            HK$400,000-600,000                US$52,000-78,000

            清    查士標    橅元人山水圖    水墨綾本    立軸    一六九四年作
            題識: 甲戌(1694 年)夏初望後四日,橅元人筆意。
            鈐印: 查士標印、二瞻氏
            來源: 羅桂祥博士珍藏。
            出版: 戶田禎佑、小川裕充編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄續編第二卷:亞
                 洲及歐洲篇》,東京大學出版會,東京,1998 年 11 月 15 日,
                 第 II-162、II-399 頁,圖版 S35-004。

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