Page 76 - Christie's July 8th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chiense Paintings and Caligraphy
P. 76
880 881
880 881
LIU YONG (1719-1805) 題識:思翁畫跋。劉墉。 HE SHAOJI (1799-1873)
Running Script Calligraphy 鈐印: 仙舫、劉墉之印、東武 Running Script Calligraphic Couplet
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 藏印: A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper
94 x 32.8 cm. (37 x 12 √ in.) 潘曾綬(1810-1883):潘氏紱庭 Each scroll measures 130 x 29.2 cm.
Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the 徐郙(1836-1908): 徐郙收藏書畫之印 (51 ¿ x 11 Ω in.)
artist 陳年(1876-1970):半丁審定 Signed, with two seals of the artist
Three collector’s seals, one each of Pan 註: 潘曾綬,初名曾鑒,字紱庭,吳縣人。 Two collector’s seals (2)
Zengshou (1810-1883), Xu Fu (1836-1908) 道光庚子舉人,官內閣侍讀。贈三品卿
and Chen Nian (1876-1970) 銜。有《陔蘭書屋詩集》。 HK$40,000-60,000 US$5,200-7,800
HK$80,000-160,000 徐郙,字頌閣。嘉定人。同治元年(1862
US$11,000-21,000 年)狀元,授翰林院修撰,官至禮部尚
書、協辦大學士。 清 何紹基 行書對聯 水墨紙本
清 劉墉 行書《思翁畫跋》 雪廬、敬洗堂、五畝之園等,北京畫院
水墨紙本 鏡框 釋文: 水國春深梅子雨,江天日暖鯉魚風。
鈐印: 何紹基印、子貞