Page 10 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 10

                                                                               701                                               703
                                                                               A MOTTLED BLACK, BROWN AND GREEN                  TWO MOTTLED DARK GREY AND GREYISH-OLIVE JADE `FISH’     Based on the similarity of the stone, one can deduce that these two fish were
                                                                               JADE BI DISC                                      PENDANTS                                            carved from the same block of stone and are unusual, in that unlike most
                                                                               LATE NEOLITHIC PERIOD-EARLY SHANG                 LATE SHANG-EARLY WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, 12TH-10TH    fish pendants, they are not flat but carved in the round. Although the details
                                                                               DYNASTY, CIRCA 2500-1500 BC                       CENTURY BC                                          are simply delineated, they are precise and expert in their execution. Several
                                                                                                                                                                                     comparable fish, also carved in the round and with elongated bodies, in the
                                                                               The semi-translucent stone is of a mottled black,   Cut from the same block of stone, each pendant is carved with an elongated,   Grenville L. Winthrop Collection, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, are
                                                                               brown and green tone.                             thick body tapering towards the upper and lower edges and incised with   illustrated by M. Loehr, in Ancient Chinese Jades, Cambridge,1975, nos. 276-8
                                                                               3æ in. (9.6 cm.) diam.                            circular eyes, curved gills, and dorsal and pelvic fins, with a fine bullnose   and no. 279.
                                                                                                                                 perforation through the flat mouth. The stone is of mottled greyish-olive and
                                                                               $6,000-8,000                                      dark grey color.                                      T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器
                                                                                                                                 The longer: 5º in. (13.3 cm.) long              (2)
                                                                               PROVENANCE:                                                                                           商晚期至西周早期 公元前十二至十世紀 灰青玉魚形珮兩件
                                                                               Jade House, Hong Kong, March 1988.
                                                                                                                                 $15,000-25,000                                      來源:
                                                                               EXHIBITED:                                                                                            Alfred Schoenlicht律師 (1955年逝) 珍藏, 紐約及海牙
                                                                               Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery,   PROVENANCE:
                                                                               1994-2022.                                        Alfred Schoenlicht, Esq. (d. 1955) Collection, New York and the Hague.  John Sparks, 倫敦, 1956年
                                                                                                                                 John Sparks, London, 1956.
                                                                                                                                 Myron S. (1906-1992) and Pauline Baerwald Falk (1910-2000) Collection, New     Myron S. (1906-1992)及Pauline Baerwald Falk (1910-2000)伉儷珍藏, 紐約,
                                                                               T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器                           York, no. 507.                                      編號507
                                                                                                                                 The Falk Collection I; Christie's New York, 16 October 2001, lot 201.  Falk伉儷珍藏(一), 紐約佳士得, 2001年10月16日, 拍品編號201
                                                                               新石器時代晚期至商早期 約公元前2500-
                                                                               1500年 青褐玉璧                                        EXHIBITED:                                          展覽:
                                                                               來源:                                               London, International Exhibition of Chinese Art, 1935-36.  倫敦, 「中國藝術國際展覽」, 1935-36年
                                                                                                                                 On loan: Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, pre-1956.
                                                                               Jade House, 香港, 1988年3月                                                                               借展: 波士頓, 波士頓美術館, 1956年以前
                                                                                                                                 Northampton, Massachusetts, Smith College Museum of Art, Neolithic
                                                                               展覽:                                               to Ming, Chinese Objects - The Myron S. Falk Collection, 30 September-29   北安普敦, 馬薩諸塞州, 史密斯學院藝術館, 「Neolithic to Ming, Chinese
                                                                               夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 1994-2022年                    October 1957.                                       Objects - The Myron S. Falk Collection」, 1957年9月30日-10月29日.
                                                                                                                                 Philadelphia, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Chinese Jade, 30   費城, 賓夕法尼亞大學藝術館, 「Chinese Jade」, 1962年11月30日-1963年2月
                                                                                                                                 November 1962-3 February 1963.                      3日
                                                                                                                                 New York, China House Gallery, China Institute in America, Selections of   紐約, 中國美術館, 華美協進社, 「Selections of Chinese Art from Private
                                                                                                                                 Chinese Art from Private Collections, 18 October 1986-4 January 1987.  Collections」, 1986年10月18日-1987年1月4日
                                                                                                                                 Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery, 2001-2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                       夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 2001-2022年
                                                                                                                                 LITERATURE:                                         出版:
                                                                                                                                 Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London, 1935-36, p. 28   《中國藝術國際展覽》, 倫敦, 1935-36年, 頁28及37, 編號374
                                                                               CHINESE JADES FROM THE COLLECTION OF T. EUGENE    and p. 37, no. 374.
                                                                               WORRELL                                           H. F. E. Visser, Asiatic Art, Amsterdam, 1948, pp. 196-197, pl. 58, no. 103.  H. F. E. Visser, 《Asiatic Art》, 阿姆斯特丹, 1948年, 頁196-197, 圖版編號58,
                                                                               702                                               Smith College Museum of Art, Neolithic to Ming, Chinese Objects - The Myron   編號103
                                                                                                                                 S. Falk Collection, Northampton, Massachusetts, 1957, no. 5.
                                                                                                                                                                                     史密斯學院藝術館, 《Neolithic to Ming, Chinese Objects - The Myron S. Falk
                                                                               A YELLOWISH-GREEN JADE BI DISC                    University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Chinese Jade, Philadelphia,   Collection》, 北安普敦, 馬薩諸塞州, 1957年, 編號5
                                                                               LATE SHANG-EARLY WESTERN ZHOU                     1963, no. 144.                                      賓夕法尼亞大學藝術館, 《Chinese Jade》, 費城, 1963年, 編號144
                                                                               DYNASTY, 12TH-10TH CENTURY BC                     China House Gallery, China Institute in America, Selections of Chinese Art
                                                                               The softly polished translucent stone is of       from Private Collections, New York, 1986, p. 44, no. 12.  中國美術館, 华美協進社, 《Selections of Chinese Art from Private
                                                                                                                                                                                     Collections》, 紐約, 1986年, 頁44, 編號12
                                                                               yellowish-green tone with some brown and russet
                                                                               5√ in. (14.9 cm.) diam.
                                                                               Christie's New York, 1 December 1988, lot 55.
                                                                               Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery,

                                                                               T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器
                                                                               商晚期至西周早期 公元前十二至十世紀 青
                                                                               紐約佳士得, 1988年12月1日, 拍品編號55
                                                                               夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 1994-2022年

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