Page 136 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 136

          A VERY RARE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL ARCHAISTIC YOU-FORM    The present cloisonné enamel vessel illustrates the popularity of archaism
          VESSEL AND COVER                                    during the Qianlong period, and exemplifies some of the finest cloisonné
          QIANLONG-JIAQING PERIOD (1736-1820)                 techniques. Its design is based on a Shang dynasty (c. 1600-c. 1046 BC.)
          The pear-shaped body of oval section is raised on a splayed foot and is   vessel prototype, you, which served as a wine-storage or presentation jar
                                                              and was used in ceremonies honoring the spirit of a deceased ancestor. For
          decorated with taotie masks divided by four flanges amidst ruyi-form clouds   an example of a Shang dynasty prototype, see a you excavated at Jiajiacun,
          and keyfret, all reserved on a mottled dark bluish-green ground interspersed   Qishan county, Shaanxi province, attributed to the late Shang period,
          with patches of red and light blue to suggest the corrosion on an ancient   illustrated in Shaanxi chu tu Shang Zhou qingtongqi (Bronzes of Shang and
          bronze. The neck is cast with a pair of beast-form terminals with ears   Zhou Dynasties Unearthed in Shaanxi Province), vol.1, Beijing, 1979, pl. 24.
          decorated with wan emblems connecting the arched handle. The domed cover
          with vertical flanges is similarly decorated.       The present cloisonné enamel you would have been a luxury item even at the
          12º in. (31.2 cm.) high                             time when it was made, and the superior quality may suggest an imperial
                                                              connection or attribution. A virtually identical cloisonné enamel you of very
          $30,000-50,000                                      similar size and dated to mid-Qing dynasty was previously in the Qing Court
                                                              Collection, and illustrated in Metal-bodied Enamel Ware. The Complete
          PROVENANCE:                                         Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum Vol. 43, Beijing, 2001, p. 155,
          Acquired by the family of the present owner, circa 1980.  no. 147. (Fig. 1)

          清乾隆/嘉慶 掐絲琺瑯饕餮紋仿古卣

                                                                                   Fig. 1 Cloisonné you-
                                                                                   form vessel, mid-Qing
                                                                                   dynasty. Palace
                                                                                   Museum, Beijing.
                                                                                   圖一  掐絲琺瑯獸面紋提
                                                                                   梁卣, 清中期, 北京故宮博


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