Page 356 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 356

PROPERTY FROM THE NELSON KLINE COLLECTION,                                                                             PROPERTY FROM THE NELSON KLINE COLLECTION, NEW YORK
          NEW YORK                                                                                                               1051
          1050                                                                                                                   A PAINTED ENAMEL SHELL-FORM SNUFF BOX
          A PAINTED ENAMEL `EUROPEAN-                                                                                            AND A LADLE
          SUBJECT’ CUP AND A SNUFF BOX AND                                                                                       QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
          QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)                                                                                            The snuff box is naturalistically formed in the shape of a
                                                                                                                                 lobed convex shell. The top of the flat cover is decorated with
          The tall cup is brilliantly enameled on the exterior                                                                   sprays of flowers, a fish, and a crab, the interior with flowers
          with a continuous scene of European gentlemen                                                                          and finger citrons. The ridged and domed box is enameled
          on horseback riding towards a robed lady standing                                                                      on the exterior with alternating curvilinear bands of yellow
          in a loggia, with a cliffside castle and ships in                                                                      and pink simulating the texture of the shell and is fitted with
          the distant background, the rim and foot with                                                                          gilt metal mounts. The pointed, oval ladle is enameled on the
          gilding. The rectangular snuff box is enameled                                                                         exterior with a band of pendent grapes and peonies, the gently
          on top of the cover with two European ladies and                                                                       upcurved handle with peacock feathers and fitted with a gilt
          a gentleman sitting in a garden, the interior with                                                                     terminal in the shape of a peacock head. The interior is painted
          a scene painted in sepia and light blue of figures                                                                     with a lively scene of shrimp swimming amidst water grasses.
          along a riverbank. The bombé sides feature similar                                                                     Snuff box: 2.7.8 in. (7.3 cm.) wide
          riverscapes in cartouches against a dark blue                       1050                                               Ladle: 4 in. (10 cm.) long            (2)
          ground, the base decorated with a spray of finger
          citrons and lilies, fitted with gilt metal mounts.                                                                     $3,000-5,000
          Cup: 2¡ in. (6 cm.) high
          Snuff box: 3 in. (7.5 cm.) wide  (2)                                                                                   PROVENANCE:
                                                                                                                                 The Chinese Porcelain Company, New York.
          PROVENANCE:                                                                                                            Ladle: New York, The Chinese Porcelain Company, Chinese
          The Chinese Porcelain Company, New York.                                                                               Painted Enamels of the 18th Century, 14-21 October 1993.
          EXHIBITED:                                                                                                             LITERATURE:
          Cup: New York, The Chinese Porcelain Company,                                                                          Ladle: The Chinese Porcelain Company, Chinese Painted
          Chinese Works of Art and Snuff Bottles, 1-24 June                                                                      Enamels of the 18th Century, New York, 1993, p. 41, no. 39.
          Snuff box: New York, The Chinese Porcelain                                                                             紐約NELSON KLINE珍藏
          Company, Chinese Painted Enamels of the 18th
          Century, 14-21 October 1993.                                                                                           清乾隆 金屬胎畫琺瑯貝形鼻烟盒及勺
          Cup: The Chinese Porcelain Company, Chinese                                                                            The Chinese Porcelain Company, 紐約
          Works of Art and Snuff Bottles, New York, 1994, p.                                                                     展覽:
          34, no. 27.                                                                                                            勺:The Chinese Porcelain Company:「Chinese Painted
          Snuff box: The Chinese Porcelain Company,                                                                              Enamels of the 18th Century」, 1993年10月14-21日
          Chinese Painted Enamels of the 18th Century, New
          York, 1993, p. 67, no. 58.                                                                                             出版:
                                                                                                                                 勺:The Chinese Porcelain Company:《Chinese Painted
          紐約NELSON KLINE珍藏                                              1050 (another view of box)                               Enamels of the 18th Century》, 紐約, 1993年, 頁41, 編號39
          清乾隆 金屬胎畫琺瑯西洋人物圖盃及鼻烟盒
          The Chinese Porcelain Company, 紐約                                                                                      PROPERTY FROM THE NELSON KLINE COLLECTION, NEW YORK
          展覽:                                                                                                                    1052
          盃:The Chinese Porcelain Company:「Chinese                                                                               A SMALL FAMILLE VERTE GREEN-GROUND
          Painted Enamels of the 18th Century」, 1994年                                                                            `PHOENIX-TAIL’ VASE
          6月1-24日                                                                                                                18TH-19TH CENTURY
          盒:The Chinese Porcelain Company:「Chinese                                                                               The body is decorated with four quatrefoil panels, three with
          Painted Enamels of the 18th Century」, 1993年                                                                            officials standing in a landscape and the fourth with a scholar
          10月14-21日                                                                                                              seated in an interior dreaming. The shoulder is decorated with
          出版:                                                                                                                    cartouches of a crane flying amidst clouds, below a band of
          盃:The Chinese Porcelain Company:《Chinese                                                                               cloud motifs in iron red, the trumpet-shaped neck featuring
          Works of Art and Snuff Bottles》, 紐約, 1994年, 頁                                                                          a similar band of panels enclosing officials and cranes, all
          34, 編號27                                                                                                               reserved on an emerald-green ground.
          盒:The Chinese Porcelain Company:《Chinese                                                                               14 in. (35.5 cm.) high
          Painted Enamels of the 18th Century》, 紐約,
          1993年, 頁67, 編號58                                                                                                       $6,000-8,000

                                                                                                                                 紐約NELSON KLINE珍藏
                                                                                                                                 清十八/十九世紀 五彩綠地開光人物故事圖鳳尾尊


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