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            1229                               1230
            YING YEPING (1910-1990)            WU HUFAN (1894-1968)              吳湖帆     松陰觀泉/書法     設色紙本/
            The Sounds of Pine                 Scholar Contemplating / Calligraphy  水墨紙本     成扇        一九三九年作
            Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper  Folding fan, ink and colour on paper / ink   題識: 松陰觀泉。用仇實父放縱之筆。
            143.5 x 65.5 cm. (56 Ω x 25 Æ in.)  on paper                              己卯(1939年)冬日為亮甫先生雅
            Entitled, inscribed and signed, with four   18.7 x 49 cm. (7 ¡ x 19 º in.)  正,倩菴吳湖帆。
            seals of the artist                Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals
            Dated winter, jiwei year (1979)    of the artist                     鈐印:倩盦、東莊
                                               Dated winter, jimao year (1939)   背面書法釋文: 金枝玉葉老遺民,
            HK$30,000-50,000  US$3,900-6,500   Calligraphy on the reverse, inscribed and    筆硯精良逈出塵。
                                               signed, with one seal                        興到寫花如戲影,
            應野平          萬松如海作濤聲          設色紙本
                            立軸     一九七九年作      Both sides dedicated to Liangfu              分明兜率是前身。
                                               HK$120,000-180,000                           翠裙依水翳飄颻,
            題識: 萬松如海作濤聲。                                                                    光豔隨風詎可描。
                 己未(1979年)冬月,應野平畫。             US$16,000-23,000                             妒煞幾般紅粉輩,
            鈐印:應、野平、閱盡人間春色、愚樓                                                               淩波豐骨靨(壓)春嬌。
                                                                                 題識: 大滌子題八大山人畫水仙,
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