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            HE BAILI (PAKLEE HO, B. 1945)                       何百里     群山蒼蒼入紫冥     設色紙本     鏡框     二〇一四年作
            Verdant Mountains
                                                                題識: 群山蒼蒼入紫冥。
            Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper      甲午(2014年)初夏,百里。
            35 x 92.5 cm. (13 Æ x 36 ¡ in.)
            Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist  鈐印:何、自在軒
            Dated summer, jiawu year (2014)                     展覽: 昆山,侯北人美術館,“隨心賦彩 – 中國潑彩畫藝術名家展
            EXHIBITED:                                               作品集”,2014年10月。
            Kunshan, Houbeiren Art Museum, Sui Xin Fu Cai – China Poured   出版: 《隨心賦彩 – 中國潑彩畫藝術名家展作品集》,上海人民美
            Famous Painting Art Exhibition Collections, October 2014  術出版社,上海,2014年10月,第84-85頁。
            LITERATURE:                                         註:《群山蒼蒼入紫冥》是畫家取李白《詠衡山》詩末句詩意成
            Sui Xin Fu Cai – China Poured Famous Painting Art Exhibition   圖。橫幅畫面,開景曠闊,近景山壑青紫霞光縈繞,迷離境界中隱
            Collections, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, Shanghai,   現茂林山居,曙破,熹微晨光折射瀉谷白練,萬籟俱寂之際傳來泉
            October 2014, pp. 84-85.                            聲妙韻,清音喚醒大地。作者巧妙運用相對襯托手法,描寫靜寂之
            NOTE:                                               聲、暗中之光,突出作品精神所在,詩情畫意,耐人尋味。
            He Baili sought inspiration from Li Bai’s poems and composed an
            open vista of the verdant peaks. In the foreground, the mountains are
            shrouded with blue and purple haze, subtly revealing the cottages in
            the forest. At the break of dawn, the sunlight reflects upon the earth.
            The sounds of the streams are melodious and awaken lives around
            them. With superb brushwork and application of colours, He Baili
            conveys silence and subtle lights and manifests that spirit resonance of
            the mountains.

            HK$220,000-300,000                US$29,000-39,000

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