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Zhang Daqian:
Landscape Hidden in Mist
after Bi Hong
Landscape Hidden in Mist after Bi Hong 張大千《倣畢宏霧鎖重關圖》是畫家盛年時期仿古青綠山水工
exemplifies Zhang Daqian’s most 筆人物的重要作品。本幅作於絹上,尺幅宏大而用筆精細,反
important fine-line (gongbi), blue- 映了張大千出入傳統、上下求索的雄強魄力。
and-green, figure-in-landscape works
completed during the peak of his 根據題識,本幅所臨畢宏原本應為大千戰前客居北平時所得,
career. A large-scale painting on satin 此時期大千苦心收集唐宋名跡,力
with meticulous details also reflects 求上追古人。此作乃無款之作,畫
the artist’s reverence for tradition, as 上有疑宋徽宗題“筆力剛勁,非唐
well as his determination to explore 以後所有”。抗戰軍興,大千1941
and push the boundaries of Chinese 年入敦煌研習臨摹,發覺與唐人筆
According to the inscription, Zhang 蹟。畢宏,天寶年間官御史,樹石
Daqian acquired the Bi Hong 奇古,擅名於代,杜甫詩句、張彥
painting from which he emulated 遠《歷代名畫記》及《宣和畫譜》
Fig.1 Dafengtang Painting and Calligraphy
Record. when he was living in Beijing before 均有提及,唯所遺作品寥寥無幾。
圖1 大風堂書畫錄 the Sino-Japanese War. During this 大千1943年居成都集成《大風堂書
period, he focused on collecting
paintings from the Tang and Song dynasties, aiming to elevate his techniques 卷之作,可見此作在大風堂收藏中
to the level of the ancient masters. The Bi Hong painting did not bear any
signature; purportedly it bore an inscription from Emperor Huizong of the 的重要地位(圖1)。畢宏原本《霧
Song dynasty, stating that “the powerful and purposeful brush strokes cannot
be from periods after the Tang dynasty.” During his extended stay in Dunhuang, ,館藏記載為張大千1972年餽贈。
Zhang Daqian determined that this was an authentic work by Bi Hong after 值得注意的是,該館亦藏有陳洪綬
studying numerous Tang wall paintings. Bi Hong held an office during the 款之同構圖作品(圖2),原為Mr
Tianbao reign (742-756) and was mentioned in the verses of the prominent and Mrs Earl Morse舊藏,唯館方中
Tang poet Du Fu, in the treatise by the Tang art historian Zhang Yanyuan, and 文資料中認定為傳陳洪綬寫,值得 Fig.2 Chen Hongshou
(Attr.), Landscape in the
in Xuanhe Painting Catalogue produced by the Song court. Unfortunately, few 進一步比較研究。 Blue-and-Green Manner
of his works have survived. The significance of this work to Zhang Daqian can in the collection of the
Metropolitan Museum of
be glimpsed from his 1943 Dafeng tang shuhua lu (Dafeng tang Calligraphy and 此次呈現的大千本,尺幅與大都會畢 Art.
圖2 大都會博物館藏陳洪綬
Painting Catalogue), where it is listed as the first work in the collection (Fig. 1). 宏原本相差無幾,構圖幾乎完全遵循 (傳)本