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            1081                               1082                              FROM A PRIVATE HONG KONG
            RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)             RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)            COLLECTION   香港私人收藏
            Two  Peaches                       Secluded in the Mountains         (LOT 1083-1084)
            Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour   Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk
            on paper                           94.5 x 33.6 cm. (37 º x 13 º in.)  1083
            138.5 x 34.1 cm. (54 Ω x 13 ¡ in.)  Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the   RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)
            Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the   artist               Bamboo and Rock
            artist                             Dated dingsi year (1977)          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour
                                                                                 on paper
            HK$100,000-150,000                 LITERATURE:                       32.5 x 66.1 cm. (12 Æ x 26 in.)
            US$13,000-19,000                   Appreciating Paintings and Calligraphy of Rao   Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals
                                               Zongyi, Tsi Ku Chai, Poly Auction (HK)
            饒宗頤          雙壽          設色紙本          鏡框  Ltd., 2014, pl.30.        of the artist
                                                                                 Dated spring, wuyin year (1998)
            題識: 囊中九轉丹成,掌內千年桃熟。                 HK$80,000-120,000                 HK$100,000-150,000
                 蓬萊昨夜醉如泥,白雲扶向山中宿。              US$11,000-16,000                  US$13,000-19,000
                                               饒宗頤     修椽獨坐圖     設色絹本     立軸
            鈐印:饒宗頤印、選堂、記興豪素                                        一九七七年作        饒宗頤     竹報平安     設色紙本     鏡框
                                               題識: 修椽供獨坐,老樹結芳鄰。
                                                   丁巳(1977年)選堂。                  題識: 竹報平安。
                                               鈐印:饒伯子、固庵、獨語不回得心會理                     選堂時在雪萊。
                                               出版: 《遷想妙得:饒宗頤書畫欣賞》,               鈐印:饒氏、宗頤

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