Page 69 - Christie's Pavillion Sale Oct. 4, 2018
P. 69

          a matte BlacK-glaZed archaiStic four-    清光緒   黑釉仿古「周京叔簋」弦紋四足蓋爐
          legged veSSel and cover, GUI             蓋內落「周京叔簋」款,底刻「清華珍品」篆書款。
          GUANGXU PERIOD (1875-1908)
          The base has an incised four-character mark reading Qing hua   來源
          zhen pin (precious treasure). The interior bears a four-character   歐洲私人珍藏,巴黎蘇富比,2012年6月13日,拍品246號
          inscription, Zhou Jingshu gui (the gui of Zhou Jingshu).  倫敦佳士得,2016年5月10日,拍品7號
          9 in. (23 cm.) wide across the handles
          hK$150,000-200,000         US$20,000-26,000
          Collection of a Private European Lady, sold at Sotheby’s Paris, 13
          June 2012, lot 246
          Sold at Christie’s London, 10 may 2016, lot 7


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