Page 30 - Marchant Ninety Jades For 90 Years
P. 30

十 11. Rectangular table screen, cha ping carved in high relief with two scholars, one holding a long staff and pouch, the other holding a

一 peach, beside a high waterfall descending through the overhanging rocks and terminating in crested waves, with pine trees, viewing

       pavilion, wutong, lingzhi and attendant crossing a bridge holding a branch of fruiting finger citron, the reverse also with a waterfall
觀 and pine trees, with two cranes, one swooping down, the other perched on one leg looking up, all between lingzhi and cloud banks,
瀑 the stone of celadon tone with slight russet markings.
圖 6 ¾ inches, 17.2 cm high; 4 ⅜ inches, 11 cm wide; ⅞ inches, 2.3 cm deep.
屏      Kangxi/Qianlong, 17th/18th century.
       Wood stand.

青      •	 From an English private collection.
玉 •	 A table screen of similar shape, stone and deep carving, is illustrated by Xu Xiao Dong in Compendium of Collections in the
       Palace Museum, Jade, Vol. 8, Qing Dynasty, Gu Gong Inventory no. 90100, no. 161, p. 204; another, in the National Palace

康 Museum, Taiwan, with scholars watching the waterfall, is illustrated by Chang Li-tuan in, The Refined Taste of the Emperor:
熙 Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, no. 67, pp. 196/7, where the author also illustrates a mottled

/ mountain carving with two scholars listening to the waterfall, no. 40, pp. 142/3.


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