Page 107 - Sothebys Speelman Gems of Chinese Art
P. 107


           A JADE FIGURE OF A QILIN                      清康熙    青白玉雕麒麟


           skilfully depicted recumbent, the mythical beast portrayed
           grasping in its mouth a lingzhi stem and turning its head
           towards its back, portrayed with a prominent snout flanked
           by long curling whiskers, below large bulging eyes and a pair
           of beribboned horns, the muscular body accentuated with a
           defined spinal column terminating in a bushy tail swept up
           against its scaly haunches, the stone of a pale celadon colour
           highlighted with icy inclusions and russet patches
           7.7 cm, 3 in.
           HK$ 400,000-600,000
           US$ 51,500-77,000

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