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Cloisonné enamel figures of Buddhist figures   figures. A cloisonné enamel figure said to be   乾隆時期銅胎掐絲琺瑯佛教造像,不同於眾多之
           from the Qianlong period are extremely rare,   of the Sixth Panchen Lama, created in 1780s   銅鎏金造像,寥寥可數,極為罕見。掐絲琺瑯工
           particularly in contrast to the vast output of   to mark his visit to the capital, was included in   藝繁複,耗料巨量,凡如此精製巧作的華美造
           images in gilt-metal. Cloisonné enamel required   the exhibition Splendors of China’s Forbidden   像,皆應為宮廷御製,以供奉寺廟。
           greater skill and resources to create, and all such   City. The Glorious Reign of Emperor Qianlong,
           high quality pieces of the period would have been   The Field Museum, Chicago, cat. no. 151. In the   本品一對格魯派喇嘛造像,工藝超卓,形象生
           lavish creations commissioned by the Imperial   Yonghegong, Beijing, there is a cloisonné enamel   動細膩,琺瑯發色精純,且品相甚佳,原底尚
           court for adorning temples. As pointed out by   figure of Amitayus, dated to 1770, of identical
           Sir Harry Garner in his landmark work, Chinese   iconography as the myriad of such dated figures
           and Japanese Cloisonne Enamels, London, 1962,   of Amitayus in gilt-bronze, illustrated in Buddhist
           p. 93, “religious figures were seldom made in   Statues in Yonghegong, Beijing, 2001, pl. 48. It
           cloisonné at any period, a surprising fact when   appears to be the only cloisonné enamel figure in
           one bears in mind the traditional use of cloisonné   the collection, amidst a multitude of gilt bronze
           for religious ceremonial objects”. Those that   examples. Interestingly, it shares identical   自史博曼藝術藏品館,圖見博物館網站,藏品編
           do exist, prior to the 19th century were clearly   decorative features with the current pair of   號1991,0522.1。皮耶.烏德瑞 典藏另有一尊
           important works of art of superlative quality.  figures, including the rare medallions of stylised   格魯派喇嘛造像,錄 Helmut Brinker 與 Albert
                                                coiling birds, suggesting that they emanate from   Lutz,《Chinese Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry
           The current pair of figures is of superb quality,
                                                the same workshop.
           sensitively modelled, brilliantly enamelled and                            Collection》 ,倫敦,1989年,圖版346。
           preserved in very good condition with their   The current pair was originally sold as part of
           original intact bases intricately incised with   an exceptional group of six eighteenth-century   據載,高宗皇帝曾數次下旨燒造掐絲琺瑯佛器,
           visvajra motifs. Their characteristic pointed caps,   cloisonné enamel Buddhist figures, the only   如乾隆二十九年(1764年),詔製六座大佛塔
           depicted draping down the shoulders, identify   examples that ever appear to have been offered   置於頤和園,又於乾隆三十九年(1774年)及
           them as lamas of the Gelukpa school, originally   at auction. Of this group, a figure of Syamatara    四十七年(1782年),再造佛塔共十二座,大
           founded by Tsong Khapa in the 15th century.   sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November   多尚存北京。尺寸較小之掐絲琺瑯佛塔及寺廟
           19th century images of such lamas in cloisonné   1998, lot 1026 for an unprecedented price. Of   模型較為常見,但造像卻甚罕見。可參考一尊
           enamel are recorded, including a larger figure   the same size as the current pair, it is clearly
           of a Gelukpa lama, possibly the Panchen Lama   from the same workshop, sharing other closely
                                                                                      禪喇嘛進京而製,展於《Splendors of China’s
           in the British Museum, acquired from A & J   related features, including the rare decoration
                                                                                      Forbidden City. The Glorious Reign of Emperor
           Speelman Ltd in 1991, illustrated online, museum   on both sides with medallions of stylised coiling
           no. 1991, 0522.1; and another figure of a Gelukpa   birds, similar sensitive modelling of the facial
           lama in the Pierre Uldry collection, illustrated   expressions and the same precise form of the
           in Helmut Brinker and Albert Lutz, Chinese   lotus base, suggesting that they all originated   乾隆三十五年(1770年),造型與同期之大量
           Cloisonné: The Pierre Uldry Collection, London,   from the same prestigious source.  銅鎏金無量壽佛像無異,錄於《雍和宮佛像寶
           1989, pl. 346.                                                             典》,北京,2001年,圖版48。雍和宮雖現存
                                                The Gelukpa school of Tibetan Buddhism,
           It is recorded that the Qianlong Emperor decreed   founded by Tsong Khapa and renowned as that
           the creation of substantial religious structures   of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas, emerged as the
           in cloisonné enamel, including six monumental   pre-eminent school in Tibet and Mongolia from   悉或出自同一作坊。
           stupas for the Summer Palace at Chengde in   the 17th century onwards. The principal Gelukpa
           1764, and twelve more in 1774 and 1782, which   temple in Beijing, where such figures as the   此二尊喇嘛像極為罕見,原屬一組六尊之十八
           are mostly preserved intact in Beijing. Smaller   current pair may have been commissioned for,   世紀掐絲琺瑯佛教造像,拍賣場上絕無僅有,
           cloisonné enamel models of stupas and shrines   was the Yonghegong.        1971年經倫敦佳士得售出。該組其中一尊綠度
           are relatively frequently found, but rarely any                            母,後以高價售於香港佳士得1998年11月3日,


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