Page 99 - Sothebys Speelman Gems of Chinese Art
P. 99

The 17th century manual for lacquer   盤四方倭角,隨形圈足。通體黃素地上雕黑漆。
                                                manufacture, Xiushi lu [A Treatise of Lacquer   盤內隨形開光,雕一對長尾綬鳥相對飛舞於牡丹
                                                Art], illustrates the high level of esteem in which   叢中;盤壁雕四季花卉。外壁飾剔犀卷草紋,圈
                                                black lacquer wares have been held. Through   足內髹黑漆,蛇腹斷紋清晰可見。
                                                drawing comparisons with cinnabar lacquer
                                                wares, it highlights the understated elegance of   《髹飾錄》曰:「剔黑,即雕黑漆也,製比雕紅
                                                black lacquer. Black lacquer wares are produced
                                                from carving a design through a build-up of
                                                layers of lacquer; carved through the thick
                                                layers of black lacquer, the precise and rounded
                                                outlines of the present dish demonstrate the
                                                craftsman’s skilled execution. In addition to the
                                                fine incisions picked out to accentuate the birds’
                                                plumage, the vibrancy of the design is further   文獻記載雕漆工藝始於唐朝,然觀迄今出土之雕
                                                brought out through the meticulous detailing   漆器實例,僅及宋代。宋代漆工藝承前啟後,雕
                                                of the floral veins and rendering of the dense   漆興起,造型樸實無華,而單色雕漆最能表現其
                                                foliage.                              時代特色,備受文人雅仕推崇與讚譽。元代漆器
                                                Documented literary sources state that lacquer   與前朝基本相同,惟有少數品種不再續作;單色
                                                carving started in the Tang dynasty, however,   漆器造形端莊素雅,漆質光亮,成就甚高。
                                                excavated examples can only be traced back
                                                to as early as the Song dynasty. Building upon   傳世品中,宋元剔黑漆器寥若晨星。紐約大都會
                                                an emulation of preceding reigns and the   藝術博物館藏一件四方倭角盤,定代元朝,尺寸
                                                contemporaneous growing popularity of carved   較小,剔黑茶花綬鳥,盤背同飾剔犀卷草紋,原
                                                lacquer, Song dynasty lacquer wares exude a
                                                                                      為 Florence and Herbert Irving 伉儷舊藏,刊於
                                                sense of modesty, which, complemented with
                                                                                      屈志仁及 Barbara Brennan Ford,《East Asian
                                                a monochromatic scheme, became highly
                                                extolled and praised by the gentry and scholar-
                                                literati. The production of certain lacquer vessels
                                                ceased by the Yuan dynasty though the carved
                                                lacquer repertoire remained largely similar; the
                                                minimalistic elegance of monochrome lacquer
                                                carving became further heightened with a more
                                                lustrous finish.
                                                Extant black lacquer wares dated to the Song-
                                                Yuan dynasty are extremely rare. A similar Yuan
                                                dynasty dish of this shape but smaller in size,
                                                from the collection of Florence and Herbert
                                                Irving and now in the Metropolitan Museum of
                                                Art, New York, is published in James C.Y. Watt
                                                and Barbara Brennan Ford, East Asian Lacquer,
                                                New York, 1991, pl. 18; see also a related circular
                                                example, dated to the Ming-Yuan dynasty,
                                                decorated with long-tailed birds and camellia
                                                blooms, illustrated ibid., pl. 20.

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