Page 111 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art December 2015 Hong Kong
P. 111

International Salerooms, Offices and Associated Companies (• Indicates Saleroom)

UNITED KINGDOM            Representatives:        Scotland                        Netherlands - Amsterdam    Representatives:       ASIA
                          Dorset                  Edinburgh •                     De Lairessestraat 154      Arizona
London                    Bill Allan              22 Queen Street                 1075 HL Amsterdam          Terri Adrian-Hardy     Hong Kong •
101 New Bond Street •     +44 1935 815 271        Edinburgh                       +31 20 67 09 701           +1 (480) 994 5362      Suite 2001
London W1S 1SR            East Anglia             EH2 1JX                         +31 20 67 09 702 fax       California             One Pacific Place
+44 20 7447 7447          Bury St. Edmunds        +44 131 225 2266            Central Valley         88 Queensway
+44 20 7447 7400 fax      21 Churchgate Street    +44 131 220 2547 fax            Spain - Madrid             David Daniel           Admiralty
Montpelier Street •       Bury St Edmunds                                         Nuñez de Balboa no.4 - 1A  +1 (916) 364 1645      Hong Kong
London SW7 1HH            Suffolk IP33 1RG        Glasgow                         Madrid                     Southern California    +852 2918 4321
+44 20 7393 3900          +44 1284 716 190        176 St. Vincent Street,         28001                      Christine Eisenberg    +852 2918 4320 fax
+44 20 7393 3905 fax      +44 1284 755 844 fax    Glasgow                         +34 91 578 17 27           +1 (949) 646 6560
South East                Norfolk                 G2 5SG                         Colorado               Beijing
England                   The Market Place        +44 141 223 8866                Switzerland - Geneva       Julie Segraves         Hongyu Yu
Brighton & Hove           Reepham                 +44 141 223 8868 fax            Rue Etienne-Dumont 10      +1 (720) 355 3737      Suite 511
19 Palmeira Square        Norfolk NR10 4JJ                                        1204 Geneva                Florida                Chang An Club
Hove, East Sussex         +44 1603 871 443        Representatives:                Switzerland                Palm Beach             10 East Chang An Avenue
BN3 2JN                   +44 1603 872 973 fax    Wine & Spirits                  +41 (0) 22 300 3160        +1 (561) 651 7876      Beijing 100006
+44 1273 220 000          Midlands                Tom Gilbey                      +41 (0) 22 300 3174 fax    Miami                  +86(0) 10 6528 0922
+44 1273 220 335 fax      Knowle                  +44 1382 330 256               +1 (305) 228 6600      +86(0) 10 6528 0933 fax
Guildford                 The Old House                                           Representatives:           Ft. Lauderdale
Millmead,                 Station Road            Wales                           Denmark                    +1 (954) 566 1630      Japan
Guildford,                Knowle, Solihull        Cardiff                         Henning Thomsen            Georgia                Akiko Tsuchida
Surrey GU2 4BE            West Midlands           7-8 Park Place,                 +45 4178 4799              Mary Moore Bethea      Level 14 Hibiya Central
+44 1483 504 030          B93 0HT                 Cardiff CF10 3DP              +1 (404) 842 1500      Building
+44 1483 450 205 fax      +44 1564 776 151        +44 2920 727 980                Portugal                   Illinois               1-2-9 Nishi-Shimbashi
Isle of Wight             +44 1564 778 069 fax    +44 2920 727 989 fax            Filipa Rebelo de Andrade   Ricki Blumberg Harris  Minato-ku
+44 1273 220 000          Oxford •                                                +351 91 921 4778           +1 (312) 475 3922      Tokyo 105-0003
Representative:           Banbury Road            EUROPE                       +1 (773) 267 3300      +81 (0) 3 5532 8636
Kent                      Shipton on Cherwell                                                                Massachusetts          +81 (0) 3 5532 8637 fax
George Dawes              Kidlington OX5 1JH      Austria - Vienna                Russia - Moscow            Boston/New England
+44 1483 504 030          +44 1865 853 640        Tuchlauben 8                    Anastasia Vinokurova       Amy Corcoran           Singapore
West Sussex               +44 1865 372 722 fax    1010 Vienna                     +7 964 562 3845            +1 (617) 742 0909      Bernadette Rankine
+44 (0) 1273 220 000      Yorkshire & North East  Austria                        Nevada                 11th Floor, Wisma Atria
South West                England                 +43 (0)1 403 00 01              Russia - St Petersburg     David Daniel           435 Orchard Road
England                   Leeds                       Marina Jacobson            +1 (775) 831 0330      Singapore 238877
Bath                      30 Park Square West                                     +7 921 555 2302            New Mexico             +65 (0) 6701 8038
Queen Square House        Leeds LS1 2PF           Belgium - Brussels             Leslie Trilling        +65 (0) 6701 8001 fax
Charlotte Street          +44 113 234 5755        Boulevard                       Spain – Barcelona          +1 (505) 820 0701      bernadette.rankine@
Bath BA1 2LL              +44 113 244 3910 fax    Saint-Michel 101                Teresa Ybarra              Oregon       
+44 1225 788 988          North West England      1040 Brussels                   +34 680 347 606            Sheryl Acheson         Taiwan
+44 1225 446 675 fax      Chester                 +32 (0)2 736 5076           +1(503) 312 6023       Summer Fang
Cornwall – Truro          2 St Johns Court,       +32 (0)2 732 5501 fax           Spain - Marbella           Pennsylvania           37th Floor, Taipei 101 Tower
36 Lemon Street           Vicars Lane,               James Roberts              Margaret Tierney       Nor 7 Xinyi Road, Section 5
Truro                     Chester,                France - Paris                  +34 952 90 62 50           +1 (610) 644 1199      Taipei, 100
Cornwall                  Ch1 1QE                 4 rue de la Paix             Texas                  +886 2 8758 2898
TR1 2NR                   +44 1244 313 936        75002 Paris                                                Amy Lawch              +886 2 8758 2897 fax
+44 1872 250 170          +44 1244 340 028 fax    +33 (0)1 42 61 1010             MIDDLE EAST                +1 (713) 621 5988      summer.fang@
+44 1872 250 179 fax      Manchester              +33 (0)1 42 61 1015 fax                                    Washington   
Exeter                    The Stables                  Dubai                      Heather O’Mahony
The Lodge                 213 Ashley Road                                         Deborah Najar              +1 (206) 218 5011      AUSTRALIA
Southernhay West Exeter,  Hale WA15 9TB           Germany - Cologne               +971 (0)56 113 4146        Washington DC
Devon                     +44 161 927 3822        Albertusstrasse 26      Mid-Atlantic Region    Sydney
EX1 1JG                   +44 161 927 3824 fax    50667 Cologne                   Israel                     Martin Gammon          76 Paddington Street
+44 1392 425 264                                  +49 (0)221 2779 9650            Joslynne Halibard          +1 (202) 333 1696      Paddington NSW 2021
+44 1392 494 561 fax      Channel Islands         +49 (0)221 2779 9652 fax        +972 (0)54 553 5337                               Australia
Winchester                Jersey                     joslynne.halibard@         CANADA                 +61 (0) 2 8412 2222
The Red House             La Chasse                                                     Toronto, Ontario •     +61 (0) 2 9475 4110 fax
Hyde Street               La Rue de la Vallee     Germany - Munich                                           Jack Kerr-Wilson
Winchester                St Mary                 Maximilianstrasse 52            NORTH AMERICA              20 Hazelton Avenue     Melbourne
Hants SO23 7DX            Jersey JE3 3DL          80538 Munich                                               Toronto, ONT           Como House
+44 1962 862 515          +44 1534 722 441        +49 (0) 89 2420 5812            USA                        M5R 2E2                Como Avenue
+44 1962 865 166 fax      +44 1534 759 354 fax    +49 (0) 89 2420 7523 fax        San Francisco •            +1 (416) 462 9004      South Yarra
Tetbury                   Representative:              220 San Bruno Avenue    Melbourne VIC 3141
22a Long Street           Guernsey                                                San Francisco              Montreal, Quebec       +61 (0) 3 8640 4088
Tetbury                   +44 1481 722 448        Greece - Athens                 CA 94103                   David Kelsey           +61 (0) 2 9475 4110 fax
Gloucestershire                                   7 Neofytou Vamva Street         +1 (415) 861 7500          +1 (514) 341 9238
GL8 8AQ                                           10674 Athens                    +1 (415) 861 8951 fax
+44 1666 502 200                                  +30 (0) 210 3636 404            Los Angeles •                                     AFRICA
+44 1666 505 107 fax                                  7601 W. Sunset Boulevard   SOUTH AMERICA
                                                  Ireland - Dublin                Los Angeles                                       Nigeria
                                                  31 Molesworth Street            CA 90046                   Argentina              Neil Coventry
                                                  Dublin 2                        +1 (323) 850 7500          Daniel Claramunt       +234 (0)7065 888 666
                                                  +353 (0)1 602 0990              +1 (323) 850 6090 fax      +54 11 479 37600
                                                                                Brazil                 South Africa -
                                                                                  New York •                 +55 11 3031 4444       Johannesburg
                                                  Italy - Milan                   580 Madison Avenue         +55 11 3031 4444 fax   Penny Culverwell
                                                  Via Boccaccio 22                New York, NY                                      +27 (0)71 342 2670
                                                  20123 Milano                    10022                                   
                                                  +39 02 4953 9020                +1 (212) 644 9001
                                                  +39 02 4953 9021 fax            +1 (212) 644 9007 fax                                      G-NET15/10/15

                                                  Italy - Rome
                                                  Via Sicilia 50
                                                  00187 Roma
                                                  +39 06 485 900
                                                  +39 06 482 0479 fax
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