Page 192 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 192

loyalist stance altogether, met the Kangxi emperor       techniques, which were easily accessible by this
on one of his southern tours, and traveled to the
                                                         time to any artist who chose to draw on them
capital in Beijing, probably as the guest ot a           and many were doing so, in diverse ways. Huaiyang
                                                         is an old name for the city ofYangzhou, where
Manchu official. During his active years he lived for
                                                          Shitao lived as a professional artist in his late years.
periods of time in each of the major centers of
                                                         Gong Xian and seven other artists active in
—painting Anhui Province, Nanjing, and                   Nanjing in the early Qing period are designated in
—Yangzhou and absorbed and utilized, always on
                                                         Chinese writings as the "Eight Masters ofJinling"
his own terms, the local styles. In the end, he
                                                         (an old name for the city). Two of the others are
became independent of all of them, and an artist of      Zou Zhe (1636—ca. 1708) and Gao Cen (active
unparalleled versatility. It was Shitao who, as noted
                                                         Aca. 1645— 1689.) distinct school style runs through
earlier in a contrast with Dong Qichang, conceived
                                                         the output of the Nanjing masters and is well
the extraordinary project of relinquishing all
established styles and making a fresh start, as if he    exemplified by Zou Zhe's twelve-leaf Album of
could return to a state prior to the formulation of      Landscapes (cat. 2 12). The style includes a preference
conventions. "Before the old masters established
methods," he wrote, "I wonder what methods they          —for angular divisions of the picture area strong
followed." To raise the question was to challenge        —diagonals, V-shaped compositions and a fondness
directly the Orthodox masters' insistence on "right
method"; what Shitao advocated was a "method             for rich textures in both earth surfaces and
                                                         vegetation. This textural richness responds to,
that is no method." The rhetoric of the claim,
needless to say, could not be matched in his actual      among other factors, the richly forested terrain
artistic practice. The attempt, however, while it
                                                         around Nanjing, just as the linear, geometricized
ultimately led (along with ravages of age and illness,   style of the Anhui masters responds to the fractured
commercialization, and overproduction) to a              rock masses of Huangshan. Dark, mysterious groves
                                                         of trees often dominate Nanjing-school landscapes,
marked decline in much of the work of his last
years, produced some strange and wonderful               and can even, as in two of Zou Zhe's album leaves,
                                                         serve as the sole subject ot the picture. By contrast,
pictures. It also, together with the drastic failure of  Gao Cen's large hanging scroll Hie Temple on
creative energy within the Orthodox school of
landscape around the same time, left a curious and       —Jinshan (cat. 214) avoids the local manner or any
                                                         —established manner, in fact to give a close visual
not entirely healthy legacy for the artists who
                                                         report of a famous sight, using all the techniques
followed in the eighteenth century, confronting          for convincing representation that an artist of his
                                                         time and place could muster, including some
them with still another "end of the history of art."     adopted from Western pictures. Jinshan ("Gold
The most interesting ot them turned away from            Mountain") is an island in theYangzi River near
landscape altogether to pursue other subjects, and       the neighboring city ot Zhenjiang; topped by a
landscape would not recover its central importance       Buddhist temple and pagoda that were visible from
                                                         atar, the island was a familiar landmark for travelers.
until the twentieth century.
                                                         EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY PAINTING: THE
Two of Shitao's finest landscapes are in the             YANGZHOU "ECCENTRICS"

exhibition. Neither is dated. Pure Sounds of Hills and   By the early decades of the eighteenth century the
Streams (cat. 208) is probably from his years in
                                                         older centers of painting had been replaced in
Nanjing, 1680— 1687, when he was affected by the         importance by the city ofYangzhou. Artists and
                                                         litterateurs were attracted by the generous
—styles of the local artists notably Gong Xian
                                                         patronage of salt merchants and other wealthy men
(cf. cat. 209). The heavy application of dotting over    who settled there. Painters with different styles and
the surface, which seems to vibrate apart from the
                                                         specialties, polished professionals and self-styled
solid masses and to convey a psychological rather        amateurs (who mostly depended, nonetheless, on
than a physical state, is a feature also of Gong's late  their painting for income), responded to a diversity
period, the 1680s. At the right of Shitao's picture, a   of tastes and demands.
path ascends a ravine to disappear in fog; at the left,
in a similarly constricted space, a waterfall seen at    Two depictions of real places by Yangzhou masters
the top emerges below to flow under a roofed
                                                         exemplify this diversity. One, in handscroll form
bridge in which two men relax, listening to the          (cat. 213), depicts the Zhan Yuan ("Garden tor
                                                         Gazing"), probably the garden of that name on the
sounds and enjoying the cool. Clear Autumn in            Qin-Huai Canal in Nanjing, which still can be seen
Huaiyang (cat. 211), judging from its style, must be
much later; Jonathan Hay dates it to 1705 and            today, although much altered and restored. The
associates it with a flooding that Yangzhou suffered     artist is Yuan Jiang, who was active from the 1690s
then. 10 In brushwork it stops well short of the more    until about 1746. Such a work was ordinarily
extreme essays toward "stylelessness" seen in other      commissioned by the owner of the garden, who
works of Shitao's last years; in its handling of the
flat recession along the river, it would appear to
betray some acquaintance with Western pictorial

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