Page 6 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 6

front cover:                                               CHINA: 5,000 YEARS

Rearing dragon                                              Curated by Sherman Lee
Tang dynasty (618-907)
cat. no. 59                                                 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

back cover:                                                 February 6—June 3, 1998
Shang Xi
The Xuande Emperor on an Outing                             Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
                                                            Summer 1998
Ming dynasty (136S-1644)
                                                            China: 5,000 Years has been organized by the
cat. no. 190 (detail)
                                                            Guggenheim Museum in collaboration with the
                                                            Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China
Qi Gong                                                     and the National Administration for Cultural
                                                            Heritage of the People's Republic of China,
Exhibition of 5,000 Years of Chinese Art and Culture        China International Exhibition Agency and
1997                                                        Art Exhibitions China.

previous two pages:                                         Major sponsors of this exhibition are
Mythical beast
                                                            © Lufthansa                   NOKIA
Eastern Zhou, Spring and Autumn period (770-476 bce)
                                                                                  r       tMc (^Gm&ffl/Hwp
cat. no. 46                                                 6foKdj^P-r f<fmfir/ •v.

© 1998 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, and  Significant additional support has been provided by
                                                            The Starr Foundation
Arc Exhibitions China, Beijing. All rights reserved.        The W.L.S. Spencer Foundation
Guggenheim Museum Publications                              Mori Building Company Limited

1071 Fifth Avenue                                           This exhibition has also been made possible in part
                                                            by a major grant from the National Endowment for
New York, New York 10128                                    the Humanities, expanding America s understanding of
                                                            who we were, who we are, and who we will be.
Hardcover editions distributed by
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.                                       This catalogue is supported by a grant from The Li-Ching
100 Fifth Avenue                                            Cultural and Educational Foundation.

New York, New York 10011

ISBN 0-S109-6908-4 (hardcover)
ISBN 0-89207-202-4 (softcover)

Design hyTsang Seymour Design, Inc., New York

Printed in Italy by Manogros
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