Page 83 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 83


The increase in sets of vessels with long inscriptions    Fig. 4. Clay model of decorative design for casting. Late
associating them to certain noble families or clans is
symptomatic of a political development during the         6th—early 5th century BCE. Niucun, Houma, Shanxi
ninth and eighth centuries bce: the declining power
of the Zhou kings and the increasing autonomy of          Province.
the nobles in their respective domains surrounding
the Zhou court. To appear appropriately equipped          decoration and appendages such as handles, lids, and
                                                          other decorative accents were made. It seems that
with the trappings of authority, ambitious dukes          some kind of master pattern system was used, so
and princes began commissioning sets of bronze            that the same decor units could be variously
vessels to display as symbols of power at important       combined into vessels of diverse shapes, sizes, and

rituals and state occasions. The spouted pitcher (he;     Adesigns. complex multistep decor replication

cat. 38) and the food container (gui; cat. 39)            process required taking repeated clay negatives from
unearthed at the city of Pingdingshan, central            a single positive model, which served as a master
                                                          unit (fig. 4). This process made possible identical
Henan Province, signify this new demand. 29 Both          repeated patterns on a vessel (fig. 4), or identical
vessels carry inscriptions linking them with the          handles, legs, or decorative appendages on a single
small state of Ying, which fell to rivals sometime in     vessel. For sets of bronzes in graduated sizes, a series
the fifth century BCE. The wealth of bronzes              of similarly graduated master units could produce
                                                          appropriately sized but otherwise identical handles
associated with the Ying state at this site has been      or accents (fig. 5). 32 With a wide variety of master
matched by the rich finds associated with various         patterns at the workshop's disposal, the decor
other principalities, attesting to an overall sharp rise  possibilities were virtually unlimited.
in demand. The bronze-casting industry had to
improve production methods, not simply to make            The four-sided vessel (Jang hu; cat. 43) was likely a
duplicate vessels but also to increase output as          product of the Houma workshops. It forms a set
required by its expanding clientele. 30
                                                          with three other identical vessels, recovered from
EASTERN ZHOU PERIOD                                       the rich tomb of a noble of the Jin state at [insheng
                                                          village, outside Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi
In 770 bce the Zhou kings lost their western              Province (see also cat. 44). 33 As a measure of the
capital at Xi'an to marauding nomads and fled to          bronze caster's facility in replicating vessel shapes
                                                          and decoration in a variety of sizes and designs, the
their eastern capital near present-day Luoyang,           tomb that yielded these four hn also contained
                                                          matching sets, but in graduated sizes, of seven and
Henan Province. Their shrunken power accelerated          six tripod vessels (ding); a set of eight matching
                                                          stemmed and covered food containers (don); four
the fracturing of the realm into powerful                 basins (jian); and two sets of bells (bo), five in one
aristocratic states, with concomitant explosive rise      set and fourteen in the other (fig. 6). Detailed
                                                          studies of a hn in the Freer Gallery oi Art.
in the demand on the bronze industry. This political      Smithsonian Institution, demonstrated that the
decentralization must have been responsible in part       continuously interlacing dragon and twisted-rope
for the radical changes that took place in workshop       designs on such vessels were actually replicated
organization and production methods of the                from just four or five master pattern units, each
bronze-casting industry by the seventh and sixth          repeated as necessary to compose .1 given register of
                                                          decoration (tig. 7)." Similarly repeated pattern units
Acenturies bce. large sixth-fifth-century bronze          form the designs on the interior and exterior ol the
                                                          rectangular basin (pan; cat. 4SI. The first-rate
foundry site, under excavation at the city of             workmanship possible on bronzes decorated by

Houma, southern Shanxi Province, since the 1950s,
has yielded workshop debris that hints at

techniques capable of meeting all requirements
sets of ritual vessels matching in shape and/or
decoration, vastly increased scale of production,

—foreign exotica, and everyday needs without

sacrificing the high-level workmanship that court
and noble patrons had come to expect. 31

Foundry debris at Houma suggested a production

process organized according to specialization and

division of labor. The multistep processes of

shaping, decorating, and assembling the clay molds,
as well as the manufacture of different types of
bronzes (both ritual and utilitarian), probably took
place in separate areas of the workshop compound,
with different groups of workers contributing
specific skills toward the final product. Most

compelling of all the finds at Houma were the

thousands ot pieces of decorated clay foundry
debris, suggesting the wavs in which surface

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