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SOURCES FOR FIGURES                   University Press, 1987); and          10. Hunan kaogu jikan, no. 1       Antiquities, Pt. 1 (Taipei:                                                              (Hong Kong: The Oriental
 Fig. i. After Cream of the            Robert Bagley, "Shang Ritual                                                                                                                                      Society of Hong Kong, 1990),
                                       Bronzes: Casting Technique            (1982), pp. 19-20.                 National Palace Museum,
  Pottery from Erlitou (Beijing:       and Vessel Design," Archives of                                                                                                                                   PP- 32-38.
                                       Asian Art 43 (1990), pp. 6-20.        11. For cat. 25, see Wenwu, no. 7  1992), pp. 209-55.
  Social Sciences Press, 1995),                                              (1976), pp. 49-50; both                                                                                                     26. The other two vessels in the
  no. 161.                            A4. detailed periodization, based      examples are discussed in Fong,    18. Rawson, ed.. Mysteries of
                                                                             ed.. Great Bronze Age, no. 24.                                                                                              — —set a zun and a fang yi are
 Fig. 2. After WTIiomas Chase,        on increasing ornateness of                                               Ancient China, no. 25.
 Ancient Chinese Bronze Art:          surface decoration, was first          12. Wenwu, no. 7 (i960), pp.                                                                                                illustrated in Shaanxi chutu
  Casting the Precious Vessel                                                50-52; the find is also discussed  19. Fong, ed.. Great Bronze Age,                                                         Shang Zhou qingtongqi: 2
 (New York: China House Gallery,      proposed by Max Loehr in"The          in connection with Fong, ed..       chap. 5.
 *9to)>M l                            Bronze Styles of the Anyang            Great Bronze Age, no. 21.                                                                                                   (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe,

 Fig. 3. After Zhongguo wenwu          Period," Archives of the Chinese     13. The excavation is reported                                                                                               1980), nos. 15-16.
jinghua (Beijing: Wenwu               Art Society ofAmerica 7 (1953),       in full in Yinxu Fu Hao mu
                                      pp. 42-53; it was further             (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe,          20. Jessica Rawson, Western                                                              27. This set and three additional
 chubanshe, 1990), no. 30,            developed by Bagley in Shang          1980); this vessel, the tomb, and   Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the                                                             bronzes formed part of a cache
                                       Ritual Bronzes in the Sackler        some of the other bronzes are       Arthur M. Sackler Collections,                                                           discovered at Qijiacun, Fufeng
 Fig. 4. After Houma zhutong           Collections, sees. 1.3— 1.8,,                                       Ancient Chinese Bronzes from                                                             county, Shaanxi Province, in
 yizhi (Beijing: Wenwu                 2.1-2.5.                             also discussed in detail in Fong,   the Arthur M. Sackler                                                                    1964; see Shaanxi chutu Shang,
                                                                            ed.. Great Bronze Age,              Collections, vols. I1A, IIB (New                                                         nos. 120—25.
 chubanshe, 1993), pi. 153:3-         5. Wenwu jikan, no. 1 (1992),         pp. 177-81, nos. 28-33; and in      York and Cambridge: Arthur
                                                                           Jessica Rawson, ed.. Mysteries of    M. Sackler Foundation and                                                                28. The pair is published in
 Fig. 9. After Hebei sheng chutu      pp. 18-19.                            Ancient China (London: British      Arthur M. Sackler Museum,
                                                                                                                Harvard University, 1990), sect.                                                         Shaanxi chutu Shang, nos.
wenwu xuanji (Beijing: Wenwu          6. Henan sheng wenwu                  Museum Press, 1996), pp.                                                                                                     31-32. Part of a cache of 103
                                                                                                                2-3-                                                                                     bronzes unearthed in 1976 at
 chubanshe, 1980), no. 159.           yanjiusuo, ed., Zhengzhou Shang       90—105.                                                                                                                      Zhuangbai, Fufeng county,
                                      kaogu xin faxian yu yanjiu                                                2r. This lei was found with
 Fig. 10. After Henry Hodges,         (1985-1992) (Zhengzhou:               14. Wenwu, no. I (1972),            three other similar vessels and                                                          Shaanxi Province, the name
 Artifacts (London: 1976), p. 72,     Zhongzhou guji chubanshe,             pp. 6—7; also discussed in Fong,    fifteen bronze weapons inside a                                                          "Xing" mentioned in the
                                      !993); discussions regarding the      ed.. Great Bronze Age, no. 25.      large pottery urn without signs                                                          inscription of this hu also
fig. 10.                              historical significance of the                                            of an accompanying burial: see                                                           occurs on 32 other bronzes
                                      site are summarized in Henan          15. Wemvu, no. 4 (1978), p. 94;     Kaogu, no. 6 (1981), pp. 496-99;                                                         from the hoard; see Wenwu,
 Fig, 11. After Xi' an: Legacies of   sheng wenwu, Henan kaogu              also in Fong, ed.. Great Bronze     also published in Zhongguo
Ancient Chinese Civilization          sishininan, pp. 201—4.               Age, no. 18. The other, in the                                                                                                no. 3 (1978), pp. 1-24;
 (Beijing: Morning Glory Press,                                            Sen'oku Hakkokan, Kyoto, is          wenwu jinghua (Beijing: Wenwu                                                            and Shaanxi chutu Shang.
                                     7. Of these eight fang ding,          discussed in Fong, ed., Great        chubanshe, 1990). no. 47. An                                                             nos. 27-43.
 1992), p. 176.                                                             Bronze Age, no. 18.
                                     two are published in Wenwu,                                                earlier cache, likewise with no                                                          29. The finds at Pingdingshan.
NOTES                                 no. 6 (1975), pp. 64-68, the          16. For earthenware drums, see      signs of accompanying burial,                                                            made over a period in the late
                                     larger of which is also               Rawson, ed.. Mysteries of            found in 1959, contained five                                                             1980s, have yet to be
 1. 5 (1975), pi. 9,                                             Ancient China, no. 8; for            similar lei, two other bronze
                                     illustrated and discussed in Wen      evidence of wooden drums, see        vessels, and thirteen weapons;                                                           systematically published. For
p. 2; and Henan sheng wenwu                                                Kaogu, no. 1 {1983), pi. 6:5,                                                                                                 the he, see Zttongguo wenwu
                                      Fong, ed.. The Great Bronze Age                                           see Wenwu, no. n (1961),                                                                 jinghua, no. 49; for the gui, see
yanjiusuo, ed., Henan kaogu          of China (New York:                   PP- 37~39- A pictographic                                                                                                     Zhongguo wenwu jinghua, no. 79;
                                                                                                                pp. 2S-31.                                                                               both are also published in the
sislunian (1952-1992)                Metropolitan Museum of Art,           inscription on a fang lei from                                                                                                brief report on the excavations
                                                                           Luoyang, Henan Province,             22. Found in 1963 in Baoji                                                               in Zhongguo wenwubao,
(Zhengzhou: Henan renmin              1980), no. 11; two more,             shows two hands, each holding        county, Shaanxi Province;                                                                 1 September 1996.
chubanshe, 1994), p. 176. For        identical in size and recovered       up a club to a drum on a             Wenwu, no. 1 (1966), p. 4;
calibrated carbon- 14 dates          in 1982, are published in             stand: see Luoyang Cultural          Wenwu, no. 1 (1976), pp. 60, 66,                                                         30. For examples of bronzes
ranging between 1900 and              Wenwu, no. 3 (1983), pp. 49-59;      Relics Team, ed., Luoyang chutu      93; see also Fong, ed.. Great
1500 bce obtained from wood          and the remaining four (83, 75,       wenwu jisui (Beijing: Zhaohua        Bronze Age, no. 42.                                                                      associated with various states.
                                     64, and 59 cm. high,                  chubanshe, 1990), no. 3,                                                                                                      see Rawson, Western Zhou
remains at the site, see Kaogu,      respectively), found in 1996, are                                          A23. detailed report of the
no. 10 (1983), pp. 923-28; and       published in Zhongguo                 indicating that the type, in                                                                                                  Ritual Bronzes, chap. 4; Jenny F.
Institute of Archaeology, ed.,       wenwubao,2i April 1996. All,          bronze or another material, was      tomb that yielded this vessel is                                                         So, Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronze*
Radiocarbon Dates in Chinese         including the present example
Archaeology (1965-1991)              (cat. 22), were discovered in         certainly not unknown along          in Lu Liancheng and Hu                                                                   from the Arthur M. Sacklcr
                                     caches, not burials.
(Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe,                                                 the Yellow River basin.              Zhisheng, Baoji Yu Guo mudi,                                                             Collections, Ancient Chinese
                                     8. One vessel showed only 0.1
 J99I).                                                                    17. See Robert Bagley, "A            2 vols. (Beijing: Wenwu                                                                  MBronzes from the Arthur
                                     percent lead, while another           Shang City in Sichuan
2. Henan sheng wenwu, Henan          contained 17 percent lead; see                                             chubanshe, 1988); see also                                                               Sackler Collections.
                                      Wenwu, no. 3 (1983), p. 59.          Province." Orientations              Zhongguo wenwu jinghua
kaogu sishinian, p. 174.                                                                                                                                                                                 (New York and Washington,
                                     9. For cat. 29, see Zhongguo          (November 1990), pp. 52-67.          (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
3. Much of the discussion here                                             Selected bronzes from the                                                                                                     MD.< \i thin  Sackler
                                     wenwu jinghua (Beijing: Wenwu         Guanghan cache are also              1993). no. 74-
and in subsequent sections
regarding the relationship           chubanshe, 1993), no. 70; for         discussed m Rawson, ed.,                                                                                                      Foundation and Arthur M.
between early bronze casting         cat. 23, a chance find in 1938 at
and the pottery industry is          Yueshangpu, Ningxiang county,         Mysteries ofAncient China,           24.Thc,\yN '                                                      is  part  of a  cache  Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian
treated in greater detail in                                                                                                                                                  lv
Robert Bagley, Shang Ritual          Hunan Province, see Kaogu,            nos. 22-32. A general discussion
Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler                                                                                of 103 bronzes discovered in                                                             Institution. 1995 , chaps. - -3;
Collection Ancient Chinese           no. 12 (1963), p. 648. For a          of southern bronzes is 111
Bronzes from the Arthur M.           detailed discussion, including        Robert Bagley, "C Ihangjiang         1976 .it Zhuangbai, Fufeng                                                               and Ja\ \u." ["he Cemetery of
Sacklcr Collections, vol. 1          arguments for its likely local        Bronzes and Shang                                                                                                             the Western Zhou Lords of
(Washington, D.C. and                manufacture, see Fong. ed..           Archaeology," Proa edings,           county, Sh.uiiM Province. Sec
Cambridge, Mass.: Arthur M.          Great Bronze Age, no. 20,             International Colloquium on
Sacklcr Foundation and Arthur        chap. 3.                              Chinese Art History, to.01.          Wenwu, no. ; 1 1978), pp. 1-24.                                                          Jin," Artibtts Asiae $6, nos. 3 4
M. Sacklcr Museum, Harvard                                                                                      42; see also Fong. ed 1                                                                               pp. 193-231.

                                                                                                                Bronze Age, no. 45.

                                                                                                                25. For .1 discussion of the                                                                        So, Eastern Zhou Ritual
                                                                                                                "ritual revolution" during the                                                                                           for an
                                                                                                                Zhou period, sec Raw sou,
                                                                                                                Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes,                                                             account of the site and its
                                                                                                                chip 4; and Jessica Rawson and                                                           excavation nearly forty years
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ago; also 1 1 Xuting and Liang
                                                                                                                Gi Bunker, Ancient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ng, l'h, .Iff of the Houma
                                                                                                                Chinese ati.l i >>..                                                                             ; (bilingual), with

                                                                                                                                                                                                         introduction and English text

INNOVATION IN ANCIENT CHINESE METALWORK                                                                         87
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