Page 10 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 10


          PROPERTY FROM THE AOYAMA STUDIO COLLECTION  This bowl is remarkable for its captivating pattern of irregular
          A SUPERB AND RARE CIZHOU RUSSET-           russet splashes on the interior, which creates a striking
          SPLASHED BLACK-GLAZED ‘PARTRIDGE           contrast to the lustrous dark brown glaze. Known as zhegu
                                                     ban, or ‘partridge feathers’, this pattern evolved from the
          FEATHER’ BOWL                              experimental nature of Song dynasty kilns as they competed in
          NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY                      producing wares for the thriving tea market. Bowls covered in a
                                                     lustrous dark-brown glaze heightened the aesthetic experience
          potted with a deep and subtly rounded body rising from a short   of drinking tea, which at the time was energetically whisked to
          foot to a flared rim, the interior covered with a glossy black glaze   produce a rich white froth. The present bowl is a particularly
          liberally and densely splashed with short russet ‘partridge feather’   fine example of its type, as it features small and evenly applied
          mottles, the exterior covered in a persimmon glaze stopping
          neatly above the footring to reveal the pale buff stoneware body  flecks, suggesting it was made in the Northern Song period.
          13 cm, 5⅛ in.                              Stonewares coated in rich dark glazes began to be produced
                                                     in large numbers in the Tang period (618-907) and the
          PROVENANCE                                 monochromatic glazes soon led the way to painted or splashed
          Collection of Mr and Mrs Yeung Wing Tak, Hong Kong.   designs, which were achieved by either splashing or applying
          Eskenazi Ltd, London.                      with a brush an iron-oxide slip over the glaze. In the kiln,
          David Newton, Johannesburg.                the gravity would pull the slip downwards creating irregular
          Bonhams Hong Kong, 28th November 2011, lot 494.   splashes or streaks. Not only were these wares particularly
          Eskenazi Ltd, London, no. C4582.           suitable for drinking whisked tea, the serendipitous nature
                                                     of their glaze must have captivated the imagination of Song
          Yang Yongde kangli zhencang heiyou ci/ Black Porcelain   The mesmerising ‘partridge-feather’ glaze was produced at
          from the Mr & Mrs Yeung Wing Tak Collection, Museum of   many kilns in both northern and southern China, attesting to its
          the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King,   popularity. Most examples were made at kilns that produced
          Guangzhou, 1997, cat. no. 106.             Cizhou wares, such as the Guantai kilns in Hebei province, the
          Ancient Chinese Black Wares from the Collection of Mr and Mrs   Qinlongsi and Dangyangyu kilns in Henan province.  Bowls of
          Yeung Wing Tak, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong   similar form, recovered at Guantai, Ci county, are illustrated
          Kong, Hong Kong, 1999.                     in The Cizhou Kiln Site at Guantai, Beijing, 1997, col. pl. 29,
          Song: Chinese Ceramics, 10th to 13th Century (Part 5), Eskenazi   figs 1 and 3, pl. 65, fig. 1; and a larger bowl from Dangyangyu,
          Ltd, London, 2018, cat. no. 13.            the glaze similarly covering also the interior of the foot, is
                                                     published in Series of China’s Ancient Porcelain Kiln Sites.
          HK$ 800,000-1,200,000                      Dangyangyu Kiln of China, Beijing, 2011, pl. 56.
          US$ 104,000-155,000                        Two bowls of similar proportions, from the Sheinman
                                                     collection, now in the Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard
          北宋   磁州窰鷓鴣斑斗笠盞                             University Art Museums, were included in the exhibition Hare’s
                                                     Fur, Tortoiseshell and Partridge Feathers. Chinese Brown- and
          來源:                                        Black-Glazes Ceramics, 400-1400, Harvard University Art
          楊永德伉儷收藏,香港                                 Museums, Cambridge, cat. no. 38a and b; and a bowl formerly
          埃斯卡納齊,倫敦                                   in the collection of Lord Cunliffe, was included in Principal
          David Newton,約翰尼斯堡                         Wares of the Song Period from a Private Collection, Eskenazi,
          香港邦瀚斯2011年11月28日,編號494                     London, 2015, cat. no. 23.
          展覽:                                        鳴,順應而生豐富多樣的釉色變化,鷓鴣斑紋即為其
          《楊永德伉儷珍藏黑釉瓷》,西漢南越王博物館,廣                    一。運用含鐵量高化妝土,以繪畫、潑灑等技法上
          州,1997年,編號106                              色;入窰後,釉面裝飾隨著溫度交融,或因地心引力
          《楊永德伉儷珍藏中國古代黑釉瓷》,香港中文大學                    下流,或細長如羽、或大小交錯,自然形成趣味各異
          文物館,香港,1999年                               之紋飾。茶盌深褐釉色,可襯托茶沫細白,極富審美
          《Song: Chinese Ceramics, 10th to 13th Century (Part 5)》  趣味,本品乃此類佼佼者,斑紋細緻勻麗,應屬北宋

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