Page 57 - Sotheby's Asia Week March 2024 Chinee Art
P. 57

           A FINELY CARVED ‘LONGQUAN’ CELADON-       明十五世纪 龍泉窰青釉番蓮紋盤
           15TH CENTURY                              來源:
           Diameter 6⅞ in., 17.5 cm                  香港蘇富比1979年5月21日,編號29
                                                     Spink & Son,倫敦,1979年7月
                                                     George S. Hayer Jr. (1930-2015) 博士收藏
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 21st May 1979, lot 29.  紐約佳士得2018年3月23日,編號923
           Spink & Son., London, July 1979.
           Collection of Dr. George S. Hayer Jr. (1930-2015).
           Christie’s New York, 23rd March 2018, lot 923.
           Skillfully delineated, a single stylized lotus spray in the center
           of the dish is surrounded by a band of lotus blooms on the
           well, all beneath a band of classic floral scrolls at the rim. The
           exterior is also similarly decorated with a band of key-fret
           around the foot.
           See a closely related example in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
           and illustrated in Tianxia Longquan: Longquan qingci yu
           quanqiu hua / Longquan of the World: Longquan Celadon and
           Globalization, vol. 2, Beijing, 2019, cat. no. 165, where Huang
           Weiwen attributes the dish to be produced around the reigns
           of the Zhengtong to Tianshun emperors, citing similarities of
           decoration between Longquan examples and closely related
           blue and white dishes excavated at the Jingdezhen sites of
           the period. Another closely related dish, of slightly larger
           size, is in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated
           in Bilu Mingdai Longquan yao qingci / Green - Longquan
           Celadon of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 2009, cat. no. 45.

           ⊖  $ 30,000-40,000

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