Page 63 - Sotheby's Asia Week March 2024 Chinee Art
P. 63


                                                                      A SMALL ‘LONGQUAN’ GUAN-TYPE CELADON-
                                                                      GLAZED ‘CHRYSANTHEMUM’ CUP, SOUTHERN
                                                                      SONG DYNASTY
                                                                      Diameter 3⅜ in., 8.5 cm

                                                                      Collection of Dr. Henry Guinness de László (1901-1967).
                                                                      Chinese Ceramics Tang to Song, Marchant, London, 2022,
                                                                      cat. no. 39.
                                                                      For a closely related cup with a similar tall foot and convex
                                                                      base to the underside, see one in the Palace Museum,
                                    149                               Beijing, illustrated in Tianxia Longquan: Longquan qingci yu
                                                                      quanqiu hua / Longquan of the World: Longquan Celadon and
                                                                      Globalization, vol. 1, Beijing, 2019, cat. no. 100.
                                                                      ⊖  $ 4,000-6,000
                                                                      南宋 龍泉窰仿官窰式菊瓣小盃

           150                                                        來源:
                                                                      Henry Guinness de László 博士 (1901-1967) 收藏
           BOWL, SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY                                展覽:
           Diameter 5 in., 12.7 cm                                    《中國陶瓷:由唐至宋》,馬錢特,倫敦,2022
           English Private Collection.
           Roger Keverne, London.
           Marchant, London.                                                                                                                151

           EXHIBITED                                                                                                                        A ‘LONGQUAN’ CELADON-GLAZED ‘PEONY’       南宋 / 元 龍泉窰青釉貼牡丹紋小蓋盒
           Chinese Ceramics Tang to Song, Marchant, London, 2022,                                                                           COMESTIC BOX AND COVER, SOUTHERN SONG
           cat. no. 42.                                                                                                                     / YUAN DYNASTY                            來源:
           A closely related bowl is in the Asian Art Museum,                                                                               (2)                                       香港私人收藏,得於1990年代
           San Francisco, illustrated in He Li, Chinese Ceramics. A New                                                                     Diameter 2¾ in., 7 cm                     香港蘇富比2017年6月1至2日,編號408
           Comprehensive Survey, New York, 1996, pl. 269; one with
           twenty petals is in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in                                                                   PROVENANCE                                展覽:
           The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum,                                                                       Important Hong Kong Private Collection, acquired in the
           Porcelain of the Song dynasty (II) vol. 33, Hong Kong, 1996,                                                                     1990s.                                    《中國陶瓷:由漢至宋》,馬錢特,倫敦,2018
           pl. 134; another is included in The Illustrated Catalogue of                                                                     Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 1st-2nd June 2017, lot 408.  年,編號31
           the Tokyo National Museum, Chinese Ceramics, Tokyo, 1965,
           pl. 368. Two related bowls are illustrated in Regina Krahl,                                                                      EXHIBITED
           Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol. I,                                                                         Chinese Ceramics Han to Song, Marchant, London, 2018,
           London, 2006, pls 543-544.                                                                                                       cat. no. 31.
           ⊖  $ 10,000-15,000                                                                                                               For similar boxes elegantly molded in relief with flowers, see
                                                                                                                                            one in the Guanfu Museum, Beijing, where it is decorated with a
           南宋 龍泉窰青釉蓮瓣盌                                                                                                                      lotus flower, included in The Art of Chinese Box, Beijing, 2009,
                                                                                                                                            cat. no. 73; see another box, carved with a lotus spray, from
                                                                                                                                            the collection of Harry Oppenheim and included in R.L. Hobson
           來源:                                                                                                                              and A.L. Hetherington, The Art of the Chinese Potter; from the
           英國私人收藏                                                                                                                           Han Dynasty to the end of the Ming, New York, 1923, fig. 2. See
           Roger Keverne, 倫敦                                                                                                                another related box in the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco,
           馬錢特,倫敦                                                                 150                                                       illustrated in He Li, Chinese Ceramics. A New Comprehensive
                                                                                                                                            Survey, New York, 1996, pl. 361.
           《中國陶瓷:由唐至宋》,馬錢特,倫敦,2022                                                                                                          ⊖  $ 15,000-20,000

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