Page 28 - A Time and A Place Catalogue, Jorge Welsh
P. 28

01 Plate

     Porcelain decorated in    A circular plate with a slightly everted rim, made      This scene is thought to be the earliest depiction
     underglaze cobalt blue    from white porcelain and painted in underglaze          of a Western political event represented on Chinese
                               cobalt blue, decorated at the centre with a scene       export porcelain. The episode, which is widely
     China — Qing dynasty,     showing a group of figures engaged in the process       designated as the ‘Riots of Rotterdam’ or the
     Kangxi period             of destroying a building; some are dislodging bricks    ‘Kosterman Revolt’, occurred during the months
     (1662-1722), ca. 1695     and beams, others are pulling on ropes, one climbs      of September and October 1690. These riots
                               a ladder, and in the foreground, next to a cannon,      resulted from a fight that emerged from an attempt
     Ø 19.7 cm                 another figure empties large sacks possibly containing  to smuggle wine into the city hall of Rotterdam,
                               merchandise, all framed within a double blue line.      involving a guard named Cornelis Kosterman, on
     Provenance                The rim is decorated with four reserves containing      the night of 28th of August of the same year.1 A clerk
     Elinor Gordon Collection  fruiting branches alternating with a cell diaper        was killed during the fight, for which the smuggler,
                               border, within single and double blue lines. The        Kosterman, was blamed and sentenced to death
                               reverse of the plate is decorated with an apocryphal    on the 16th September. His brutal and gruesome
                               six-character Chenghua reign mark within a double       execution sparked outcry from the people of
                               blue line circle on the base, while the rim is painted  Rotterdam, many of whom also believed that he
                               with a wide continuous stylised lotus scroll and        was innocent. This plate illustrates the culmination
                               swastika pattern border, above another double           of the revolt on the night of the 6th October, when
                               blue line circle. The foot ring is unglazed.            the townspeople demolished the house of the Chief
                                                                                       Bailiff Jacob van Zuylen van Nyevelt, who they held
                                                                                       responsible for sentencing Kosterman to death. →

                                                                                       Front and back view
                                                                                           of the plate

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