Page 61 - The Arts of China, By Michael Sullivan Good Book
P. 61

Map 4 China in the Warring States period.
      But this was exceptional. Confucius, the greatest of them, was ill-
      used in the state of Lu; for in those chaotic times few rulers saw
      any immediate advantage in the Sage's emphasis upon the moral
      and social virtues, upon jen ("human-heartedness") or upon the
      value of knowledge and self-cultivation. Wanting power at home
      and victory over their enemies abroad, they were often more at-
      tracted by the Machiavellian doctrines of Lord Shang and the Le-
      galists, which were to find their ultimatejustification in the rise of
      the totalitarian state of Ch'in.
       Against the social commitment of Confucius and his follower
      Mencius on the one hand and the amoral doctrines of the Legalists
      on the other, the Taoists offered a third solution—a submission
      not to society or the state but to the universal principle, Tao. Lao
      Tzu taught that discipline and control only distort or repress one's
      natural instinct to flow with the stream of existence. In part, this
      was a reaction against the rigidity of the other schools, but it was
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