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Court dress during the Qing dynasty was highly           The next group is:
               proscribed and ritualised according to the occasion      7. 黼 (fu) the axe head
               and the status of the wear; such systematisation         8. 黻 (fu) the confronted ji character
               gave a sense of harmony and propriety to court           9. 宗彞 (zongyi) the sacrificial vessels
               proceedings, unifying the numerous family members        which were used for ancestor worship; the first two
               and court officials to focus on the figure of the        can also represent the Emperor’s ability to to make
               emperor himself.                                         decisions, including judgment and punishment, and
                                                                        the sacrificial vessels can represent the element
               Different levels of formality were expected for          metal.
               different occasions, the most basic distinction being
               official court dress, chaofu, for solemn ceremonial      The final group of objects is:
               occasions such as seasonal sacrifices. Festive           10. 藻 (zao) the waterweed
               robes, jifu, such as the present lot, were less          11. 火 (huo) the flame
               formal and were worn on happy occasions such as          12. 粉米 (fenmi) the bowl of grain.
               birthday celebrations or other banquets. Regular         which together represent three of the Five Elements.
               dress, changfu, would be worn in the course of           The sacrificial vessels (no.9 above) could also be
               official public duties for which court or festive robes  included in this group.
               would have been inappropriate, such as marking
               the anniversaries of deaths of past emperors; this is    These symbols had ancient roots, with the number
               in contrast to informal dress which would not have       twelve being described by the Book of Rites (Liji)
               been worn for any official duty.                         as ‘the number of Heaven’. The Book of History
                                                                        (Shujing) suggests that the Twelve Symbols may
               The status of the wearer was most conspicuously          even have existed as early as the Western Zhou
               indicated by colour, with bright yellow reserved for     Dynasty (1027-771 BC). However, S.Camman, in
               the emperor, apricot yellow for the heir apparent        China’s Dragon Robes, Chicago, 2001, p.85 states
               and blue, dark blue or golden yellow for princes of      that ‘we can be sure that they appeared on the
               the first or second ranks. The dress of the female       Imperial sacrificial robes in the Han Dynasty, and
               members of the Imperial court mostly reflected the       they were used by all the native Chinese dynasties
               rank of the husband.                                     thereafter’. Significantly, the ethnically distinct
                                                                        Manchu Qing dynasty also chose to preserve such
               Decoration was the next most significant marker,         Ming and earlier customs to reinforce a sense of
               and the most sacred was the ‘Twelve Symbols              continuity within the empire. The dress code was
               of Imperial Authority’. These small motifs were          constantly being refined, and it was during the
               embroidered on the robe in concentric rings at           Qianlong period that the use of the Twelve Symbols
               shoulder, waist and knee height, and can be divided      was restricted to the emperor, under the Huangchao
               into various groups.                                     liqi tushi, ‘Illustrated Precedents for the Ritual
                                                                        Paraphernalia of the Imperial Court’, enforced in
               The first group of symbols is:                           1766. This close control over the use of the Twelve
               1. 日 (ri) the sun (containing a three-legged bird)       Symbols makes the survival of such a robe of rare
               2. 月 (yue) the moon (containing a rabbit pounding        and important significance.
               the elixir)
               3. 星晨 (xingchen) the constellation                       Compare a related yellow-ground court robe with
               4. 山 (shan) the mountain                                 the Twelve Symbols included in the exhibition
               Together these symbols represent the four most           Imperial Chinese Robes from the Forbidden City, and
               solemn ceremonies over which the Emperor                 illustrated by M.Wilson, Catalogue, London, 2010,
               presided throughout the year, at the Altars of the       p.18-19, and another festive robe illustrated ibid.,
               Temples of Heaven, Earth, the Sun and the Moon.          no.19. Another example of a ‘Twelve-Symbol’ robe
                                                                        is illustrated by G.Dickinson and L.Wrigglesworth,
               The next group of symbols is:                            Imperial Wardrobe, London, 1990, pl.23.
               5. 龍 (long) the dragon
               6. 花蟲 (huachong) the flowery bird (or pheasant)          See also an Imperial ‘Twelve-Symbol’ robe, dated
               These represent things on earth, and can                 to the Daoguang period and embroidered with seed
               sometimes be grouped with the mountain (no.4.            pearls but with dark blue forearms rather than the
               above) to contrast with nos 1, 2 and 3 which relate      yellow ribbed sleeves on the present lot, which was
               to heavenly bodies.                                      sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 4 April 2012, lot 3198.

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