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           PROPERTY FROM AN OLD JAPANESE COLLECTION  清同治三年(1864年)   惇郡王奕誴封親王鍍金銀冊
           DUN BY EMPEROR XIANFENG                   江上瓊山(1862–1924年)
           QING DYNASTY, DATED TO THE 3RD YEAR       日本私人收藏
           WITH 1864)                                紫垣隆,〈清朝廷と銀冊〉,《大凡莊夜話》,東京,
           the quadripartite gilt-silver edict dated to the 6th day of the   1963年,頁539至544
           6th month of the 3rd year of the Tongzhi period, inscribed
           in Chinese and Manchu documenting an imperial promotion   漢文:
           conferred upon Prince Dun, Yicong (1831–1889) from junwang   維同治三年歲次甲子六月庚午朔越初六日乙亥。皇帝遣使
           (second-rank prince) to qinwang (first-rank prince) by   恭齎。
           Emperor Xianfeng                          皇考文宗顯皇帝咸豐十年正月初一日,晉封惇郡王為親王
           each leaf 22 by 10 cm, 8⅝ by 4 in.
           overall 24 by 42 cm, 9½ by 16½ in.        冊文。
           Collection of Egami Keizan (1862–1924).
           A Japanese private collection.            萼爾多羅惇郡王奕誴,朕之弟也,繼朕叔惇恪親王為嗣,
           Shigashi Takashi, ‘Shi chotei to ginsatsu [The Qing court and   幃之黽,勉勵志維勤,朕膺序凝庥陳疇,逢吉際泰,筴延
           the silver album]’, Daibonso yawa [Evening talks at the Villa of
           Mundanity], Tokyo, 1963, pp. 539-544.     釐之會,推仁首、逮懿親,正履端肇始之期,篤慶先周,
           HK$ 200,000-300,000                       持盈,懍寅畏之忱,衮繡風和修德,集壬林之慶。欽哉。
           US$ 25,600-38,400

           This silver edict can read:
           On this date, third year of the Tongzhi Era,  jiazi in the calendar   an illustrious inheritance, he was given his first appointment
           year cycle, sixth month, a new moon and gengwu in the month   at court, entering the ranks close to Our radiant light and
           cycle, arriving at the sixth day in the first decade, yihai in the   enjoyed Our favour, abundant as the dew, for he delighted Us
           day cycle (1864), by imperial command, officials are hereby   with the excellent way he has filled Manchu Banner commands
           dispatched to deliver this letter of patent with all reverence: His   and how he shouldered his responsibilities with elegance,
           August and Eminent Majesty, the Filial and Refined Ancestor   neglecting them not in the least. He conscientiously attended
           (the Xianfeng Emperor), on this, the first day of the New Year,   Us at the expounding of classics, which encouraged him to
           the tenth in the Xianfeng era (1860), bestows the first rank of   fulfil his ambitions with all diligence. Now in compliance with
           Prince of the Blood on Commandery Prince Dun (Sincere).  the season, We cease planning affairs of state and, upon
                                                     this auspicious holiday, turn Our attention to an assembly
           The edict states: With the shining glory of Our Imperial Decree,   to welcome the blessings of the New Year. Therefore, in
           let it be known to all everywhere that We take this occasion   extending Our benevolence We come first to this closest of
           to confer the blessings inherent in these silver tablets to raise   relatives, on this the first day of the New Year, and bestow
           rank, thus extending Our benevolence and, with all affection   congratulations on him the very first one of all. He who shares
           and sincerity, express Our high regard with this promotion. In   Our same breath is herewith conferred the rank and title of
           issuing these congratulations, We hereby exalt Our relative,   Prince of the Blood of the First Rank Dun (‘Sincere’) and given
           who so enjoys Our confidence, and with this auspicious   this precious booklet, which he may enjoy as an ink screen.
           certificate thus enfeoff Wuli-Ordos Commandery Prince Dun,   That he may safeguard his achievements resulting from the
           Yicong, Our younger brother, thereby allowing him to succeed   heavy responsibilities pertaining to his estate and service, let
           to the rank and title of Our uncle, Prince of the Blood Dunke   him tremble with utmost fear. And let him cultivate the virtue
           (‘Sincere and Respectful’, Miankai, 1779-1838m a younger   necessary for one so attired in court ceremonial dress. May he
           brother of the Jiaqing Emperor). His character is most   now enjoy congratulations from the Princes assembled here.
           deferential and cautious and his life a model of warmth and   Let this be obeyed!
           reverence. Bestowed his own palatial residence and enjoying

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