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           PROPERTY FROM AN AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE   Lionel Phillips (1924-91) was an Australian
           COLLECTION                                                         十七世紀   黃花梨鑲癭木平頭案
                                            diplomat in China from the mid 1940s to early
           A HUANGHUALI AND BURLWOOD        1950s. He was attached to the Australian   來源:
           RECESSED-LEG TABLE,              Legation in Chongqing from 1943, which later   傳 Lionel Phillips(1924-91年)收藏,澳洲
           PINGTOUAN                        relocated to Nanjing in 1946. Phillips moved to   Ansett Wridgways,坎培拉,1991年5月18日
           17TH CENTURY                     Beijing in 1949 and remained there until around
                                            1952. During his time in China, Phillips became   此類條案造型極簡,屬中式家具功用最豐、受
           with a single flush floating panel of well-figured   acquainted with various government officials and   眾最廣之制式,歷代風靡,經久不絕。因形
           burlwood set within a mitred frame of standard   diplomats, including Zhou Enlai. The current lot
           construction, above plain straight aprons with   was brought back to Australia with him in 1952.   似漢字「一」之孑然一筆,此式素稱「一字首
           rounded spandrels, the recessed legs of circular                   式」,脫胎自漢代以降之木造結構。其形清雅
           section secured by parallel cross-braces of oval   Tables of this minimalist form represent one of   素淨,便於挪移,常作供案、書台及半桌等
           section, the underside with three supporting   the most versatile and popular designs in Chinese   用,明清兩朝有刊印可考。
           transverse stretchers            furniture, as evident in their constant popularity
           78 by 106 by 48 cm, 30¾ by 41¾ by 18⅞ in.  through the generations. Historically referred to
                                            as ‘character one’ table (yi zi shou shi), as the   此條案巧用兩種木材,別具雅趣。案面癭木色
           PROVENANCE                       single horizontal stroke of the Chinese character   澤沉厚,與框、腿、腰及牙頭之琥珀色黃花梨
           Collection of Lionel Phillips (1924-91), Australia,   for the numeral ‘one’ bears resemblance to this   相映成趣。黃花梨桌案案面鑲以各式木材乃明
           by repute.                       linear form, this design appears to have derived   清常制,如鑲烏木者,可比清宮舊藏一例,現
           Ansett Wridgways, Canberra, 18th May 1991.  from standard wood building construction in use
                                            since the Han dynasty. Their light and simple   仍貯北京,載於《故宮博物院藏明清宮廷家具
          ◉ HK$ 500,000-700,000             form meant they could be easily moved from one   大觀》,北京,2007年,卷1,圖版284;另
           US$ 64,000-89,500                location to another, as revealed in Ming and Qing   比一例,案面鑲以樺木,見展覽圖錄《攻玉山
                                            prints where they are depicted used as altars,   房藏明式黃花梨家具:楮檀室夢旅》,香港中
                                            painting tables and also side tables.
                                            The piece is particularly attractive for its clever   售於香港蘇富比2015年10月7日,編號130。
                                            use of two different types of wood. The darker
                                            burls of the top create an attractive contrast   相類桌案大小不一,此案為較小者中之典範,
                                            to the honey-coloured huanghuali of the frame,
                                            legs, waist and spandrels. A common practice in   靈巧可攜,極為便宜。制式雷同、尺寸相當者
                                            the Ming and Qing dynasties, huanghuali tables   可比一例,錄於王世襄,《明式家具珍賞》,
                                            of this form are known inset with table tops of   香港,1990年,圖版B81;另一例,原為 La
                                            various types of woods, such as one with an   Rue Robbins Lutkins 雅蓄,售於紐約蘇富比
                                            ebony top, from the Qing Court collection and   2012年3月20日,編號123。
                                            still in Beijing, illustrated in A Treasury of Ming &
                                            Qing Dynasty Palace Furniture, Beijing, 2007, vol.
                                            1, pl. 284; another with a huamu top, included in
                                            the exhibition Dreams of Chu Tan Chamber and
                                            the Romance with Huanghuali Wood: The Dr S.Y.
                                            Yip Collection of Classical Chinese Furniture, Art
                                            Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong
                                            Kong, 1991, cat. no. 22, and sold in these rooms,
                                            7th October 2015, lot 130.

                                            Tables of this type were produced in varying
                                            sizes, the present example exemplifying a type
                                            of smaller dimensions, readily portable and
                                            extremely useful. A table of this design and
                                            similar size is illustrated in Wang Shixiang,
                                            Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture, Hong Kong,
                                            1990, pl. B81; another from the collection of La
                                            Rue Robbins Lutkins was sold in our New York
                                            rooms, 20th March 2012, lot 123.

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