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           PROPERTY FROM AN OLD HONG KONG   instruction; see a Longquan celadon version   明宣德    豆青釉劃花卉紋盆
           COLLECTION                       relief-moulded with the Eight Trigrams below a
           A RARE INCISED CELADON-          band of flowers, attributed to the Yuan to Ming   《大明宣德年製》款
           GLAZED BULB BOWL                 dynasty, from the collection of Mrs B.Z. Seligman   來源:
           MARK AND PERIOD OF XUANDE        and now in the British Museum, London,   香港蘇富比1988年11月15/16日,編號149
                                            published in Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics
           the shallow rounded sides encircled by six small   in the British Museum, London, 2001, pl. 16:87.   趙從衍(1912-1999年)收藏
           raised bosses, above a carved lotus scroll band,                   此類器型、釉色之宣德本朝帶款盌例,寮若星
           the interior incised with leafy chrysanthemum   Celadon-glazed vessels with underglaze blue
           sprays, all supported on three ruyi-shape bracket   Xuande marks and of the period, include a   辰。三足淺盌器型源自銅器,其盛行於元末明
           feet, covered overall save for the base in a pale   small celadon-glazed barbed dish decorated   初置於廳室或廟宇,用作香器。明初,龍泉窰
           celadon glaze, the exterior inscribed with a   with incised flower scrolls, in the Taipei Palace   似曾與景德鎮御窰緊密合作,故所出器物之
           horizontal reign mark in underglaze blue  Museum, included in the Museum’s exhibition   形制、紋飾甚為相似;究其原由,或均聽於
           20.7 cm, 8⅛ in.                  Green-Longquan Celadon of the Ming Dynasty,
                                            2009, cat. no. 162; a pair, from the collection of   聖命,尊上所好。參見一元至明代龍泉青釉
           PROVENANCE                       Carl Kempe, illustrated in Kinesiska Keramiska   盌例,模印浮雕八卦紋,屬 B.Z. Seligman 舊
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 15th/16th November 1988,   Mästerverk. I urval från Ulricehamns Östasiatiska   藏,現存於大英博物館,收錄於霍吉淑,《
           lot 149.                         Museum, inkluderande Dr. Carl Kempes samling./  大英博物館藏中國明代陶瓷》,倫敦,2001
           Collection of T.Y. Chao (1912-1999).  Chinese Ceramic Treasures. A Selection from
                                            Ulricehamn East Asian Museum, including The   年,圖版16:87。
           HK$ 400,000-600,000              Carl Kempe Collection, Ulricehamn, 2002, p.
           US$ 51,500-77,000                294, pl. 379, and sold in our Paris rooms, 12th   宣德鈷料款青釉器,可見一菱口劃纏枝花卉
                                            June 2008, lot 34 and 43; and another, sold at   紋小盤例,藏於故宮博物院,臺北,展覽並
                                            Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st October 1994, lot 563.   錄於《碧綠—明代龍泉窰青瓷》,2009年,
           It is rare to find vessels of this form and glaze   See also a celadon-glazed basin, incised with
           with a Xuande reign mark and of the period.   lotus petals on the exterior, and waves and lotus   圖錄編號162;另存一對例,Carl Kempe
           Shallow tripod bowls of this type were based on   on the interior, with a six-character underglaze-  舊藏,貯於烏爾裡瑟港遠東博物館,刊於
           bronze prototypes and popular luxury items in   blue Xuande mark beneath the rim, excavated in   《Kinesiska Keramiska Mästerverk. I urval
           the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty, probably   1982 at Zhushan, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province,   från Ulricehamns Östasiatiska Museum,
           used to perfume a temple or home. During the   included in the exhibition Xuande Imperial
           early Ming period, the Longquan kilns appear   Porcelain excavated at Jingdezhen, Chang   inkluderande Dr. Carl Kempes samling》
           to have worked closely with the imperial kilns   Foundation, Taipei, cat. no. 20.  ,2002年,頁294,圖版379,後售於巴黎
           at Jingdezhen, thus making wares of similar                        蘇富比2008年6月12日,編號34及43;香港
           form and decoration, perhaps under imperial

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