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These sophisticated cabinets are of classical square corner   Palace Museum. Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
           construction. The doors are mounted with brass hinges finely   (II), Hong Kong, 2002, pls 205 and 206, together with three
           incised with intertwined archaistic dragons and flowers. There   cabinets with matching upper shelves, pls 204, 208 and 209.
           are two plain shelves without drawers on the interior and the   Compare also a slightly larger zitan cabinet carved on the front
           back is made of two moulded panels, indicating a special care   with bats, and the sides with a similar motif of a lotus pond and
           given to their finishing. Their proportion is well balanced and   birds perched on flowering trees, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
           would indicate that this set was not meant to support further   29th November 2005, lot 1604.
           chests on top but are complete. The doors appear to be
           made of zitan while the frame, shelves and backs are made of   此對櫃呈經典方角制式。櫃門鑲黃銅飾仿古龍紋及纏枝花
           hongmu, which can be expected considering the scarcity of
           zitan at this stage of the Qing dynasty.   卉紋,精鐫細刻。櫃內隔雙層平板,不設抽屜,櫃背以兩
           All four doors are exquisitely carved with birds and flowers in
           elegant compositions reminiscent of the earlier Kangxi and   不於櫃頂置箱,乃自成一體。櫃門紫檀製,框架、隔板及
           Yongzhen periods. The decoration on the panels of the four   背板則以紅木造,究其因由,或為紫檀珍罕,清中期後幾
           doors are meant to resemble scroll paintings, and may well   近絕種之故。
           be the actual reproduction of actual flowers and birds scrolls
           from the Qing court collection or taken from contemporary   四扇櫃門均雕花鳥,構圖典雅,工藝精湛,頗見康雍二朝
           prints. The first one on the far right depicts two birds resting   遺韻。四扇門板上,雕飾乃仿畫軸而作,或復刻清宮所藏
           on plum branches, gazing at each other above rocks issuing   花鳥畫卷,或取樣自同時代印刻畫。其一,右門板上二鳥
           further clusters of elderberries and narcissus. On the opposite
           side, two other birds play around branches of flowered quince   停棲梅枝,高低對望,有天竺及水仙自底下岩石逸出;對
           bending above orchids. The second cabinet depicts the life in   側門板亦有二鳥,翔嬉於榲桲枝頭,榲桲花枝低垂,下有
           a pond, with an egret sheltered by wide lotus leaves expecting   幽蘭。其二,一門刻畫池塘生趣,蓮葉掩映下,白鷺悄然
           a good catch for dinner, while above, balancing on the spindly   而立,伺機獵食,目光往上,一隻翠鳥伏於水蘆纖枝,欲
           twig of a water reed, a kingfisher is about to fall on a reckless   撲飛蠅;另一門飾芙蓉滿枝,一雙鳥兒兩情繾綣,鳴囀互
           fly. On the fourth door, a graceful butterfly cannot disturb a
           couple of lovebirds sharing their passion in sweet melodies   訴,有蝶翩然舞至,亦未察覺。
           resonating among lush hibiscus flowers.
           There are other cabinets and duobaoge featuring flowers and   有,藏於北京故宮博物院。可比較一對紫檀大櫃之側板作
           birds, either in huanghuali, zitan or hongmu, preserved in
           the Palace Museum, Beijing. See for example the side panels   例,清宮舊藏,錄於《故宮博物院藏明清家具全集》,卷
           of a monumental pair of Zitan cabinets from the Qing court   15,北京,2015年,圖版80。此對與之相若,亦雕花鳥
           collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Ming and   於豎板內,圖樣或同出一源。再比較一對紫檀頂箱櫃,售
           Qing Furniture in the Palace Museum vol.15, pl. 80. This pair   於北京保利2007年11月30日,編號80。上述諸例皆工藝
           is similarly carved with flowers and birds enclosed in upright   超群,或出自同一作坊,坊內巧匠承襲清初大師之技,尤
           panels, possibly from the same pictorial source. Compare also
           a pair of zitan cabinets, dingxianggui, sold with Poly auctions,   善花鳥。
           Beijing, 30th November 2007, lot 80. All these pieces show
           a distinctive style and may well originate from the same   北京故宮博物院現存清宮舊藏紫檀櫃可見二例,其一雕鳳
           workshop, specializing in the carving of flowers and birds after   凰,其二雕八仙八寶,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全
           early Qing dynasty masters.               集:明清傢俱 (下)》,香港,2002年,圖版205及206
           Other Zitan cabinets from the Qing Court collection, also   ,同載三例,頂帶格架,圖版204、208及209。另比一紫
           preserved in the Palace Museum, include one carved with   檀櫃,略大,正面刻蝙蝠,側邊刻蓮塘及鳥棲花枝,售於
           phoenix and another with the symbols of the Eight Immortals,   香港佳士得2005年11月29日,編號1604。
           illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the

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