Page 17 - Sotheby's Part II Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 17

               ზ         CHIMERA, BIXIE,
               ༴         HAN DYNASTY

               ԝ         cast in a powerful striding stance, the right front leg stretched forward and the left hind leg extended, the thick paws slightly lifted off the
                         ground exposing sharp claws, its head raised alertly and dominated by piercing eyes and furrowed brows, the ferocious horned beast
                         portrayed with gaping jaws above a tuff of beard, the broad muscular body accentuated with elaborate scrollwork against a ground
                         of swirls and hatching, flanked by feathery wings detailed with striations and terminating in a sinuous tail with feathery protrusions and
                         tufts of fur, the back surmounted by a rectangular and a circular socket incised with concentric circles and triangles, the underside cast
                         with male genitals
                         l. 27 cm, h. 18 cm

                         PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j
                         L. Wannieck, Paris, 1924 or earlier.            L. Wannieckdˋኇd1924ϋא˸ۃ
                         Collection of Baron Adolphe Stoclet (1871-1949), Brussels, 1934   ڛ༸˃g౶ϖдഺतӲᐌ€1871-1949ϋϗᔛd̺ኁ෦ဧd
                         or earlier.                                     1934ϋא˸ۃ
                         Collection of Madame Raymonde Féron-Stoclet (1897-1963),   Raymonde Féron-Stoclet ˃ɛ€1897-1963ϋϗᔛd
                         Brussels, and thence by descent.                ̺ኁ෦ဧdϤܝ࢕ૄෂו
                         Eskenazi Ltd, London, 25th March 2003.
                         Bronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, Ts'in and Han, Musée de
                         L'Orangerie, Paris, 1934.                       Bronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, Ts'in and Han‘d
                         Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, on loan, 1980-93.   ዒ෤ߕஔ᎜dˋኇd1934ϋ
                         Chinese Works of Art from the Stoclet Collection, Eskenazi Ltd,   дл˃ᚆᖵஔ௹ي᎜dڶͶڶψd࠾࢝d1980-93ϋ
                         New York, 2003.                                 Chinese Works of Art from the Stoclet Collection‘dࡾ౶̔ॶ
                         LITERATURE                                      ᄁdॲߒd2003ϋ
                         Michael Rostovtzeff, 'L'Art Chinoise de l'Epoque de Han', Revue   ̈وj
                         des Arts Asiatiques, vol. 1, no. 3, Paris, October 1924, p. 11.   Michael Rostovtzeffd”L'Art Chinoise de l'Epoque de Han•d
                         Georges Salles, Bronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, Ts'in and   Revue des Arts Asiatiques‘d՜1dୋ3ಂdˋኇd1924ϋ10
                         Han, Paris, 1934, cat. no. 417.                 ˜dࠫ11
                         Osvald Sirén, ‘Indian and Other Influences in Chinese Sculpture’,   Georges SallesdBronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, Ts'in
                         Studies in Chinese Art and Some Indian Influences, London, 1938,
                         pp. 15-36, pl. III, fig. 16.                    and Han‘dˋኇd1934ϋdᇜ໮417
                         Osvald Sirén, Kinas Konst under Tre Artusenden, vol. I: Fran   ఃᎲʠd”Indian and Other Influences in Chinese Sculpture•
                         Forhistorisk Ted Till Tiden Omkring 660 e. Kr., Stockholm, 1942,   dStudies in Chinese Art and Some Indian Influences‘dࡐ
                         p. 272, fig. 190.                               ౱d1938ϋdࠫ15-36dྡو3dྡ16
                         H.F.E. Visser, Asiatic Art in Private Collections of Holland and   ఃᎲʠdKinas Konst under Tre Artusenden‘d՜IjFran
                         Belgium, Amsterdam, 1948, pl. 61, no. 148a.     Forhistorisk Ted Till Tiden Omkring 660 e. Kr.d౶ᅃࡩဧᅙd
                         Georges A. Salles and Daisy Lion-Goldschmidt, Collection   1942ϋdࠫ272dྡ190
                         Adolphe Stoclet, Brussels, 1956, pp. 390-91.    H.F.E. VisserdAsiatic Art in Private Collections of Holland and
                         Chinese Works of Art from the Stoclet Collection, Eskenazi Ltd,   Belgium‘dڛ֍౶तʗd1948ϋdྡو61dᇜ໮148a
                         New York, 2003, cat. no. 10 and back cover.     Georges A. Salles ʿ Daisy Lion-GoldschmidtdCollection
                         Giuseppe Eskenazi in collaboration with Hajni Elias, A Dealer’s   Adolphe Stoclet‘d̺ኁ෦ဧd1956ϋdࠫ390-91
                         Hand. The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe   Chinese Works of Art from the Stoclet Collection‘dࡾ౶̔ॶ
                         Eskenazi, London, 2012; Chinese version, Shanghai, 2015, reprint,   ᄁdॲߒd2003ϋdᇜ໮10ʿ܆ֵ
                         2017, fig. 28.
                         HK$ 6,000,000-8,000,000                         ٙΫኳ‘dࡐ౱d2012ϋdʕᙇوdɪऎd2015ϋd2017ϋΎ
                         US$ 765,000-1,020,000                           وdྡ28

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