Page 73 - Sotheby's Part II Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 73

           մ ፹           BRONZE CORNER-PIECE,

           ਷ ᖕ           cast in the form of two mythical winged beasts confronted at the corner with their heads merging into one, each beast shown in profile
           ࣛ Җ           in a semi-crouching position, depicted with narrow eyes, a broad ridged snout and mouth agape, along with long pointed ears framed
           ಂ   ו         by curled horns detailed with fine striations, the sinuous body set with feathery wings and terminating in an S-shaped bifurcated tail,
                         their muscular haunches accentuated with elaborate scrollwork and short fur, the entire corner-piece surmounted by an angled bracket,
               ԑ         inlaid overall in silver with intricate scrollwork and fine striations, the reverse set with an L-shaped brace and two tabs
                         h. 11 cm

                         PROVENANCE                                      LITERATURE
                         Paul Mallon (1884-1975), New York and Paris, 22nd December 1920.   Henri d'Ardenne de Tizac, Animals in Chinese Art, Paris, 1922,
                         Collection of Baron Adolphe Stoclet (1871-1949), Brussels.   pl. XVIB.
                         Collection of Madame Raymonde Féron-Stoclet (1897-1963),   Leigh Ashton, An Introduction to the Study of Chinese Sculpture,
                         Brussels, and thence by descent.                London, 1924, pl. IX, fig. 2.
                         Eskenazi Ltd, London, 25th March 2003.          Exhibition of Chinese Art, Amsterdam, 1925, cat. no. 39.
                                                                         Walter Perceval Yetts, Chinese Bronzes, London, 1925, pl. 10B.
                                                                         Gregory Borovka, Scythian Art, New York, 1928, pl. 72a.
                         Animals in Chinese Art, Musée Cernuschi, Paris, 1922.   Otto Kümmel, Chinesische Kunst, Berlin, 1929, cat. no. 75.
                         Exhibition of Chinese Art, Municipal Museum, Amsterdam, 1925.   René Grousset, Les Civilisations de l'Orient, Paris, 1930, t. lll: La
                         Chinesische Kunst, Preussische Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1929.   Chine, p. 134, pl. 95.
                         Bronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, Ts'in and Han, Musee de   Sueji Umehara, O-Bei shucho Shina kodo seika, (Selected Relics of
                         l'Orangerie, Paris, 1934.                       Ancient Chinese Bronzes from Collections in Europe and America),
                         International Exhibition of Chinese Art, Royal Academy of Arts,   Part III: Miscellaneous Objects, vol. I, Osaka, 1933, pl. 52.
                         London, 1935-36.                                Georges Salles, Bronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, Ts'in and
                         La Découverte de L'Asie, Musée Cernuschi, Paris, 1954.   Han, Paris, 1934, cat. no. 418.
                         Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, on loan, 1980-93.   International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London, 1935, cat. no. 413.
                         Chinese Works of Art from the Stoclet Collection, Eskenazi Ltd,   H.F.E. Visser, Asiatic Art in Private Collections of Holland and
                         New York, 2003.
                                                                         Belgium, Amsterdam, 1948, pl. 63, no. 129.
                                                                         La Découverte de L'Asie, Paris, 1954, cat. no. 417.
                         HK$ 5,000,000-7,000,000                         Georges A. Salles and Daisy Lion-Goldschmidt, Collection
                         US$ 640,000-895,000                             Adolphe Stoclet, Brussels, 1956, pp. 366-67.
                                                                         Chinese Works of Art from the Stoclet Collection, Eskenazi Ltd,
                                                                         New York, 2003, cat. no. 5 and cover.
                                                                         Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens Michèle, 'Inner Asia and Han China:
                                                                         Borrowings and Representations', New Frontiers in Global
                                                                         Archaeology: Defining China's Ancient Traditions. Proceedings of
                                                                         the International Symposium Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of
                                                                         the Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking
                                                                         University, New York, 2008, pp. 437-52, fig. 7.
                                                                         Giuseppe Eskenazi in collaboration with Hajni Elias, A Dealer's
                                                                         Hand: The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe
                                                                         Eskenazi, London, 2012, Chinese version, Shanghai, 2015, pl. 72.
                                                                         Sarah Wong and Stacey Pierson, eds, Collectors, Curators,
                                                                         Connoisseurs: A Century of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 1921-
                                                                         2021, Hong Kong, 2021, cat. no. 15.

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