Page 158 - Chinese works of art and paintings, March 19 Bonhams
P. 158

8203 (section)

           8204 (section)

                                                             PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF PROFESSOR
                                                             PHILIP GOULD
           8203                                              8204
           AN IMPERIAL EDICT                                 ANONYMOUS
           Jiaqing period, 1820                              An Imperial Edict, 1861
           Handscroll, ink on silk brocade, dated the 25th year of Jiaqing reign   Handscroll, ink and colored ink on silk brocade, opening with the
           (1820), with text reading from left to right in Manchu and repeated   woven characters Fengtian Gaomin (By command of Heaven) flanked
           from right to left in Chinese, with two large seal impressions, one   by two dragons, followed by parallel text in Chinese and Manchu,
           additional inscription and two seals on the back, with a title slip.   dated the 11th year of Xianfeng (1861).
           12 x 69 1/4in (30.4 x 175cm)                      11 7/8 x 94 1/2in (30 x 240cm)
           $4,000 - 6,000                                    $3,000 - 5,000

           清嘉慶誥命 水墨織錦 手卷 1820年                               清咸豐誥命 設色織錦 手卷 1861年

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