Page 36 - Chinese works of art and paintings, March 19 Bonhams
P. 36

           Tang Dynasty                                      transformed into a makara, endowed with a dragon’s head, fish fins
           Finely worked in repousse with steep, quatrelobed sides, the rim   and accompanied by a flaming jewel.
           interior banded and gilt with a continuous leafy scroll pattern about
           the central well enclosed by a band of overlapping ‘peacock feathers’  Its foreign background and imagery made the makara an auspicious
           surrounding a fierce coiled makara in repousse chasing a flaming   symbol for use in several extant examples of Tang dynasty silver
           pearl amid stylized waves, the well and design also gilt and raised on   and gold. A Tang gold cup, excavated in 1983 in Xi’an and now in
           a splayed, circular foot incised with a single character qiong and two   the Shaanxi History Museum is illustrated by C. Michaelson, Gilded
           indicipherable characters on the side and also on the base.   Dragons, London, 1999, pp. 98-9, no. 59. while a similarly coiled
           8 1/2in (21.5cm) diameter                         makara with flaming pearl is illustrated by Bo Gyllensvärd in ‘T’ang
                                                             Gold and Silver’, Butlletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities,
           $80,000 - 120,000                                 No. 29, Stockholm, 1957, Fig. 56b. As noted in the Lally catalog,
                                                             a Tang parcel-gilt silver bowl also with a repoussé dragon-fish in a
           唐 鎏金魔羯紋四曲銀碗                                       central medallion was excavated from Inner Mongolia and is now
                                                             in the collection of the Ordos Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo
           Provenance                                        meishu fenlei quanji, Zhongguo jin yin boli falang qi quanji, Vol. II,
           J.J Lally & Co., New York, 2012                   Shijiazhuang, 2004, p. 47, no. 91. A n analogous gilt silver bowl
                                                             decorated with a peacock feather band enclosing a repousse
           Published                                         medallion of two flying parrots is published as part of the Kempe
           J.J Lally & Co., New York, Silver and Gold in Ancient China, Spring   Collection in Bo Gyllensvard. Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl
           2012, no. 14, and front cover                     Kempe Collection, no. 118, pp. 182-83.

                                                             Few parcel gilt silver bowls from the Tang period have appeared at
           With its distinctive curling snout, dragon head and finned body,   auction. The most recent and closely related example to this lot, from
           the makara may be read as a representation of the mythical carp   the illustrious Carl Kempe collection and published in Gyllvensvard,
           transforming into a dragon, a metaphor for success as a result of   Chinese Gold, Silver and Porcelain, Asia Society, New York, 1971,
           assiduous effort. However the origins of this mythical beast is traced   p. 52, no. 46, was sold in these Rooms, 14 September 2015, lot
           to India and was transmitted to China with the Buddhist canon, the   8073. See a related parcel gilt copper pouring bowl, sold Christie’s,
           first datable appearance in the tomb of Li He (d. 583) in Shaanxi   London, 7 November 2017, lot 116.
           province. In the Buddhist tradition, the makara was originally a
           whale that rescued five hundred drowning merchants at sea, and   In his catalog entry, Mr. Lally speculates that the legible incised
           then sacrificed itself by providing its own body for sustenance. As a   character on the side of the foot may be the name of the original
           result of its compassionate offering, the whale was immortalized and   owner.
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