Page 124 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 124
PU RU (1896 - 1963) This painting is part of a comprehensive private Swiss collection of Chinese
classical and modern artists, including Huang Junbi (1898-1991), Pu Ru
Houses under Tree Shade
(1896-1963), Feng Zikai (1898-1975), and Wu Zheng (1878-1949). Driven
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper by business development opportunities, the collector moved to Taiwan in
13¼ x 12¼ in. (33.6 x 31 cm.) 1994. While developing art logistics structures and training art handlers in
Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
China between 1994 and 2009, he became acquainted with the Chinese art
£6,000-8,000 US$7,900-10,000 world and met several infuential advisors. These advisors inspired him to
€7,000-9,300 start a collection of both classical and contemporary Chinese art, appraised
through his Western eyes. Fascinated by the power and beauty of Chinese
Christie's Hong Kong, 28 May 2007, lot 1093. ink painting, this Swiss collector explored Chinese history and philosophy
through the process of collecting. He saw China's history and philosophy in
the spontaneity, spirituality, control and discipline of Chinese painters. The
溥儒 清谿幽居 設色紙本 鏡框 frst part of this collection was sold in Christie's Paris, 13 June 2018, lots 1-23.
題識:明人爭尚士夫之畫,鮮為宋畫院丹青。惟戴文進猶 註:為了拓展業務,此位瑞士藏家於1994年遷住臺灣。他
傅其意,石田則筆如元人華亭,亦兼師董巨,故明代丹青之 於1994年至2009年間在中國開拓藝術品物流及搬運人員
盛,近世不能及也。心畲。 培訓,藉機接觸藝術圈並開始他的中國古代及當代書畫收
來源:瑞士私人珍藏。香港佳士得2007年5月28日,拍品 對他而言,中國水墨畫及書法既代表率性與靈性又充分表
1093號。 達藝術家對於筆墨的完美控制和駕馭。其收藏之23件書
122 In addition to the hammer price, a Buyer’s Premium (plus VAT) is payable. Other taxes and/or an Artist Resale Royalty
fee are also payable if the lot has a tax or λ symbol. Check Section D of the Conditions of Sale at the back of this catalogue.